高中必修四 Unit5

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settler 音标:['setlə(r)]

n. 移民者, 解决者, 结算员【化】 沉淀池; 沉降器; 澄清槽
联想方式:settle(安家);(e r)(表示人的名词后缀)
1. set [ set ] se, 音“设”,设置,v. 放, 置(set, set) n. 一套, 一副 装置 We have set a fence around the field. 我们在那块地周围竖起了围栏。
2. let [ let ] vt. 出租, 允许 There is a new house to let. 有新房子出租。
3. bet [ bet ] v. 赌, 打赌 n. 赌, 赌钱 You can bet on the defeat of this football team. 你能赌这只足球队输。
4. net [ net ] n. 网, 网络 净利, 实价 adj. 净余的, 纯粹的 The spider weaves nets to catch flying insects. 蜘蛛织网抓飞虫。
5. wet [ wet ] adj. 湿的, 潮湿的, 有雨的 I hate such wet weather. 我讨厌这样的下雨天。
6. yet [ jet ] adv. 仍, 至今 The day hasn’t broken yet. 天还没有亮。
7. met [ met ] meet 的过去式。We met a great challenge, but we got through in the end. 我们遇到了很大的挑战,但我们最终战胜了挑战。
8. get [ ^et ] vt. 获得, 受到(惩罚,打击等) vi. 到达, 成为 When you get home, you will get a nice surprise. 当你到家时,你会得到一份惊喜。
9. settle [ 5setl ] vt. 安放, 使定居, 解决, 决定 vi. 安家, 定居 I decided to settle down in Chengdu. 我决定在成都安家。
10. settler [ 5setlE ] n. 移民者, 殖民者 In fact, the local Indians helped the first settlers out of trouble. 实际上,当地印第安人帮助了首批殖民者摆脱困境。
11. settlement [ 5setlmEnt ] n. 定居点 The Jewish settlement are strongly opposed by Palestinians. 犹太人定居点受到巴勒斯坦人的强烈反对。
12. kettle [ 5ketl] n. 壶, 罐 First , boil a kettle of water. 首先,烧开一壶水。
Please let me set out for the settlement where the British settlers settled in the 18th century. Though I haven’t been there yet, I bet I can get there with just a kettle of water and set up a new net in the wetland nearby.

One of his forefathers was an early settler in America.


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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:44



栏    目:高中必修四 Unit5







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