高中必修四 Unit5

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tournament 音标:['tuənəmənt]

n. 比赛, 竞赛, 锦标赛, 联赛
谐音:他纳闷她 他纳闷她为何不参加比赛。
记忆方法: 以旅行的名义男团出去打联赛。
词根词缀记忆法:tournament n 锦标赛(tourn转+a+ment→转着轮流比赛,锦标赛),tour, torn, tourn =turn, 表示“转,环绕”
1. game [ ^eim ] n. 比赛, 游戏, 竞赛, [复]运动会 Proper games can make our class more lively and interesting.适当的游戏可以使我们的课堂生动有趣。 格言: Lookers-on see most of the game. 旁观者清。
2. match [ mAtF ] n. 火柴, 匹配, (足球, 捧球, 蓝球)比赛 v.相配 Do you think this hat matches my blue coat?你觉得这顶帽子与我的蓝色外套相配吗?
3. tournament [ 5tuEnEmEnt ] tour-na-ment 音似“拖拉”,许多比赛常拖拉 n. 比赛, 锦标赛, 联赛 Chinese women football won the champion of the tournament.中国女排获得了锦标赛的冠军。
4. race [ reis ] n. 种族, 赛跑 vi. 赛跑, 疾走 The car was racing towards the hospital.车子朝医院疾驰而去。
5. sport [ spC:t ] n. 运动 It’s strange that many people enjoy watching sports but they themselves never take part in sports.真奇怪,许多人喜欢看体育运动而自己却不参与体育运动。
6. sportsman [ 5spC:tsmEn ] n. 运动员 Yaoming was named the ten top sportsman in China.姚明被命名为中国十佳运动员。
7. athlete [ 5AWli:t] ath-lete ath联想Athens雅典,奥运会发源地;lete,音“里的” athlete, 雅典里的,当然是运动员。 n. 运动员, 运动选手 Lining is no longer an athlete. He runs a successful firm.李宁不再是个运动员了。但经营着一家很成功的公司。
8. athletic [ AW5letik ] adj. 运动的 We can enjoy the athletic beauty.我们能欣赏到运动美。
9. gym [ dVim ] n. 体操 Lining was ever No. 1 in gym in the world.李宁曾在世界体操方面排名第一。
10. wrestle [ 5resl ] n. 摔跤, 扭斗 The people in Mongolia are fond of wrestling. 蒙古人喜欢摔跤。
11. gymnastic [ dVim5nAstik ] adj. 体操的, 体育的 They are planning more gymnastic activities for the middle school students.他们在计划着为中学生开展更多的体操运动。
12. gymnasium [ dVim5neiziEm, ^im5nB:ziEm ] n. 健身房, 体育馆 More gymnasiums will be built for the coming Games.更多的体育馆将因即将来临的运动会而修建。
13. stadium [ 5steidiEm ] n. 露天大型运动场 The opening ceremony will be held in the stadium.开幕式将在露天大型运动场举行。
14. Olympics [ Eu5limpiks ] 音“奥林匹克” n. 奥林匹克 Is there anyone who hasn’t heard of the Olympics?还会有人没听说过奥运会吗?
15. card games n. 纸牌 As children, we used to play card games a lot.我们小的时候常玩牌。
16. came [ keim ] come的过去式 Out of the corner came a shy boy.一个害羞的男孩从角落里出来了。
17. same [ seim ] adj. 相同的,一样的 I have the same idea as yours.我与你观点相同。
18. fame [ feim ] n. 名声,名气 How could you win a fame in such a way?你怎能用这样的方法获取名声?
We have the same interest in sports: playing games, joining basketball matches, and taking part in 1500-meter race, doing gymnastics. Some of us hope to become athletes to take part in the Olympic Games. As you know, the Olympics offer a great opportunity for any sportsman to win fames all over the world.

The winner of the tournament will be given this prize.

The basketball tournament will end with a single winner.

N-COUNT. 参加决赛者;决赛选手. A finalistis someone who reaches the last stages of a competition or tournament by doing well or winning in its earlier stages.

She went out in the first round of the tournament/went out of the tournament in the first round.




栏    目:高中必修四 Unit5







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