高中必修四 Unit5

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various 音标:['veəriəs]

a. 不同的, 各种的, 多方面的, 许多的, 个别的, 杂色的【法】 不同的, 种种的, 各式各样的
词根词缀记忆法:various a 不相同(ari+ous),uari = uary, change ,表示“变化”
  • 形容词 various与different的用法区别

    形容词 various与different的用法区别

    1. different 表示“不同的”,指的可能是种类不同、不相像、不一样、不是同一个等,强调“异”。如:
    Mary and Jane are quite different. 玛丽与简大不一样。
    This book is different from that one. 这本书与那本书不一样。
    This is not what I want; I want a different one. 我要的不是这个,我要一个不同的。
    2. various 表示“各种各样的”“各不相同的”等,主要指彼此不同且种类繁多,强调“异”而“多”。如:
    There are variousways of cooking an egg. 鸡蛋有各种各样的煮法。
    There’s been snow today in various parts of the country. 今天全国各地都下了雪。
    He gave various reasons (= a number of differ查看详情更多>>
1. serious [ 5siEriEs ] adj. 严肃的, 认真的, 严重的 - You are kidding! –No, I’m serious. -你在开玩笑!-不,我是认真的。
2. severe [ si5viE ] adj. 严厉的, 剧烈的, 严重的, 严峻的 My father suffered severe pain last time. 我父亲上次痛得很厉害。
3. series [ 5siEri:z ] n. 连续, 系列, 丛书 A series of problems followed the accident.一系列的问题随着那次事故而来。
4. vary [ 5vZEri] v. 改变, 变更, 使多样化 The temperature varied throughout the day. 一天当中气温都在变化。
5. various [ 5vZEriEs ] adj. 不同的, 各种各样的 We should have various vegetables. 我们应该吃各种各样的蔬菜。
6. variety [ vE5raiEti] n. 变化, 种类 Father brought home a variety of snacks. 父亲带回家许多种零食。
7. variable [ 5vZEriEbl ] n. 变数, 可变物, 变量 adj. 可变的 Joe is a man of variable character. 乔是个反复无常的人。
8. curious [ 5kjuEriEs] adj. 好奇的, 求知的, 古怪的 It will do you a harm to be too curious about others’ private things. 对别人的私事太好奇会危害你自己的。
9. curiosity [ 7kjuEri5Csiti ] n. 好奇心 If you want to satisfy your curiosity, come here and pay ten pounds.如果你想满足你的好奇心,那么就到这儿里付十英镑吧。 格言:Curiosity killed the cat. 过分好奇,伤害自己。
As there are various responses, we are curious about the final result. We hope every one is serious when showing his opinions.

They offered various opinions towards the lady's doubt.

We saw various types of fish during our dive.

N-UNCOUNT. 瑜伽;瑜伽术. Yoga is a type of exercise in which you move your body into various positions in order to become more fit or flexible, to improve your breathing, and to relax your mind.

Face the barbarian Blue Wolf clan in 5 basic levels, where you will be given various tasks to accomplish.


Bricks and dishes are made from various kinds of clay.


※Practice tenses as much as possible. when you learn a new verb, learn its various forms.


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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:44



栏    目:高中必修四 Unit5







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