高中必修四 Unit5

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tourism 音标:['tuərizəm]

n. 观光业, 游览【经】 旅游业
词根词缀记忆法:tourism n 旅游(tour旅游),“ism”表示“行为,现象,状态”
1. journey [ 5dVE:ni ] The act of traveling from one place to another n. 旅行, 旅程 May you have a nice journey! 祝你一路顺风!
2. journal [ 5dVE:nl] n. 定期刊物, 杂志, 航海日记 There are so many journals for us to choose from. 有很多期刊供我们选择。
3. trip [ trip ] n. (短途)旅行, 绊倒, 旅程 vt. 使跌倒 We will go on a trip to Dujiangyan. 我们将到都江堰去旅游。
4. tour [ tuE ] n. (观光)旅游 v. 巡回, 漫游 The tour to Chengdu left us a deep impression. 到成都的旅游给我们留下了深刻的印象。
5. tourism [5tJErIz(E)m] n. 观光事业, 游览 Tourism is encouraged by the government to develop the local economy. 为了发展当地经济,政府鼓励旅游业的发展。
6. tourist [ 5tuErist ] n. 观光旅行者, 旅游者 The tourists found the charge too much to accept.游客觉得收费太高,难以接受。
7. travel [ 5trAvl ] v. 旅行, 传播 n. 旅行 They travel to town on Saturdays for shopping or on Sundays for church. 他们周六进城购物或周日去做礼拜。
8. traveler [ 5trAvlE ] n. 旅行者,旅游者 A lot of travelers complained about their poor service.许多旅客抱怨他们服务差。
9. voyage [5vCIIdV] n. 航程, 航空 The voyage will cost us ten days.这次航程花了我们十天时间。
10. flight [ flait ] n.飞行, 逃走, 飞跃, 飞机的航程, 班机 We had a pleasant flight from Chengdu to Beijing. 从成都坐飞机到北京,我们一路都很愉快。
11. steward [ 5stjuEd] n. (轮船, 飞机等)乘务员, 干事 The stewards are very friendly to all passengers. 乘务员对所有的乘客都很友好。
12. stewardess [stju:E5des, 5stju:EdIs] n.(轮船, 飞机等)女乘务员, 女干事 The airline will employ some stewardesses. Will you be interested? 航空公司要雇佣更多的空姐,你有兴趣吗?
13. souvenirs [ 5su:vEniE ] n. 纪念品 I’ve got a large collection of souvenirs which remind me of the places I visited. 我收集了大量的纪念品,他们使我回忆起我去过的那些地方。
He wants to travel around the world, and the whole tour may include some journey on the land, some voyage on the sea and some flight in the air. Tomorrow he will go to Chengdu, which is only a few kilometers away. Let’s wish him a good trip.

As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete.


For instance, tourism and entertainment could experience an 80% decline in demand.


The island has been ruined by tourism.




栏    目:高中必修四 Unit5







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