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wax 音标:[wæks ]

n. 蜡, 蜡状物, 一阵发怒, 增加, (月亮)渐盈vi. 变大, 增大, 月亮渐满vt. 上蜡于【化】 蜡【医】 蜡相关词组: wax and wane be in a wax get into a wax put sb in a wax
谐音:外壳似 传真机的外壳似蜡一样光滑。
1. add [ Ad ] vt. 加, 补充说 vi. 加, 加起来 add to 增加;add up 加起来;add up to共计 The continual rain added to the difficulty of the building project. 持续不断的雨增加了修建工程的难度。
2. addition [ E5diFEn ] n. 加, 增加物, 加法 in addition adv. 另外 in addition to adv. 除. . . 之外 In addition to American soldier’s abuse, British soldiers are reported to abuse Iraqi prisoners too. 除了美国大兵的虐囚外,英国士兵也被报道虐待伊拉克囚犯。
3. additional [ E5diFEnl ] adj. 另外的, 附加的, 额外的 If you have no time, you may give up the additional problems. 如果你没有时间,你可以放弃那些附加问题。
4. increase [ in5kri:s ] in-crease n. 增加 vt. 增加, 加大 vi. 增加, 繁殖 The number of the participants is still increasing. 参与者的人数还在上升。
5. accumulate [ E5kju:mjuleit ] To gather or pile up; amass To mount up v. 积聚, 堆积 The family gradually accumulated huge wealth. 这家族渐渐地积聚了大量的财富。
6. wax [ wAks] To increase gradually in size, number, strength, or intensity vi. 变大, 增大, 月亮渐满 n. 蜡 The moon is waxing. 月亮渐满。
7. zoom [ zu:m ] To move about rapidly; To move a camera lens rapidly toward or away from a subject vi. 突然扩大, 急速上升 Zoom in, you will see the panda more clearly. 放大一点,你就可以更清楚地看到大熊猫了。
8. decrease [ di:5kri:s] To grow or cause to grow gradually less or smaller, as in number, amount, or intensity de-crease n. 减少, 减少之量 v. 减少 The number of the patients is decreasing. 熊猫的数量在减少。
9. reduce [ ri5dju:s ] To bring down, as in extent, amount, or degree vt. 减少, 缩小 The cost must be reduced. 成本必须降下来。
10. calculate [ 5kAlkjuleit] v. 计算, 考虑 He is good at calculating. 他长于计算。
He added some sugar to the fish, increasing /adding to its taste and reducing its saltiness. In addition, he decreased the amount of salt when cooking the other dishes. The tasty dishes he can cook add up to more than a hundred.

A naval officer fell overboard. He was rescued by a deck hand. The officer asked how he could reward him.
"The best way, sir," said the deck hand, "is to say nothing about it. If the other fellows knew I'd pulled you out, they'd chuck me in."

The wax of the red candle fell on the table.

Ever also had used a few other floor wax before, just need to be wiped many times repeatedly every time ability daub is even, feel to compare a trouble.


With finalize the styling wax arranges hair of this two parts slightly.


She selaed the letter with hot wax.


※A bow long bent at last waxeth weak. 良弓张久必驰.


栏    目:专业四级必备词汇







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