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sharpener 音标:['ʃɑ:pənə]

n. 研磨者, 卷笔刀, 研磨工具
1. shade [ Feid ] n. 荫, 阴暗,荫凉处 Stay in the shade of the tree when the sun is too strong. 太阳太大的时候你要呆在树荫里。
2. shadow [ 5FAdEu] n. 阴影, 影子 She couldn’t get rid of the shadow of her son’s sudden death from her mind. 她不能摆脱她儿子突然死去所留下的阴影。
3. shelter [ 5FeltE ] n. 掩蔽处, 身避处 People rushed into the shelter at the sound of the siren. 一听到警报,人们冲进掩蔽所。
4. shake [ Feik] v. 摇动, 摇, 颤抖, 震动 Premier Wen shook hands with him and asked about his income and working conditions. 温总理和他握了握手,询问他的收入和工作条件如何。
5. shame [ Feim ] n. 羞耻, 羞愧, 可耻的人(或事物) 注意: Isn’t it a shame that soldiers of a country who exclaimed itself to be a fighter for human rights should have maltreated Iraqi prisoners so mercilessly?来自号称是人权卫士的国家的士兵居然如此残忍地虐待伊拉克囚犯,这不是羞耻是什么? what a shame好遗憾
6. ashamed [ E5Feimd ] adj. 惭愧的, 羞耻的 Even the Americans with conscience feel ashamed of the scandal. 甚至是有良心的美国人都为这起丑闻而感到羞耻。
7. share [ FZE] n. 共享, 一份, 份额, 参股 vt. 分享 Boy, you should learn to share, or you will have no real friends in the future. 孩子,你要学会分享,否则在将来你会没有真正的朋友。
8. shave [ Feiv] v. 剃, 刮, 削刮 Having shaving his face, he looks handsome.刮完脸后,他看起来很帅。
9. shaver [ 5FeivE] n. 剃须刀,修面的人 The shaver is so sharp that you must be very careful. 剃须刀很锋利,你一定要小心。
10. shape [ Feip] n. 外形, 身段 vt. 制作, 定形, 使成形 Gymnastics has given her a very beautiful shape. 体操使她具有优美的体型。
11. sharp [ FB:p ] adj. 锐利的, 锋利的 The sharp words made me angry. So I answered back. 他锋利的话使我生气,因此我就顶了回去。
12. sharpen [ 5FB:pEn ] v. 削尖, 磨快 The boy can sharpen the pencil himself. Let him manage it himself. 男子自己能削铅笔。让它自己干吧。
13. sharpener [ 5FB:pEnE ] n. 削刀, 磨床, 磨具 Why not buy this kind of sharpener for your son? It’s very safe to use. 干吗不为你儿子买这种削笔刀?这刀很安全。
14. sheep [ Fi:p ] n. 绵羊 The wool comes from sheep, not goats. 羊毛来自绵羊身上,不是山羊身上。
15. ship [ Fip ] n. 轮船 The ship carried 600 sheep from Australia. 船从澳大利亚运了600只绵羊。
16. sheet [ Fi:t ] n. (一)片, (一)张, 薄片, 被单, 被褥 Here are two sheets of paper. You may draw some drafts on them. 这儿有两张纸,你可以用来画一些草图。
What a shame! He often shakes his head, refusing to share the ship he uses to carry sheep. We sometimes wish to use it to carry some sheets. He makes some sharp remarks and goes into the shade where his shadow disappears. Then he just shaves his poorly shaped face.

Is this your sharpener?


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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-11 13:23:54




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