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whale 音标:[weɪl]

n. 鲸vi. 捕鲸vt. 使惨败, 猛揍相关词组: a whale at a whale of a... have a whale of a good time very like a whale

联想方式:wha—危害 le—了
1. ant [ Ant ] n. 蚂蚁 I wonder how these ants came to the 30th floor of the building?我很奇怪这些蚂蚁是怎样到这三十层楼来的。
2. camel [ 5kAmEl ] n. 骆驼 The camel is called the boat of desert. 骆驼被称为是沙漠之舟。
3. monkey [ 5mQNki] n. 猴子 Why is he as thin as a monkey? Because he loves Sun Wukong most. 他为什么瘦如猴子?因为他最爱孙悟空。
4. giraffe [ dVi5rB:f ] n. 长颈鹿 Any giraffe in the examining room will be decided to be cheating. 考室里的长颈鹿会被认为是作弊。
5. kangaroo [ 7kAN^E5ru:] n. 袋鼠 The mother kangaroo puts its baby in the pocket on her chest. 母袋鼠把小袋鼠放进她胸前的袋子里。
6. panda [ 5pAndE ] n. 熊猫 The panda is our national treasure. 熊猫是我们的国宝。
7. parrot [ 5pArEt] n. 鹦鹉, 学舌者 Don’t be a parrot. Speak out your own ideas, please. 不要鹦鹉学舌。请说出你自己的观点。
8. mosquito [ mEs5ki:tEu ] n. 蚊子 In summer the tent can keep mosquitoes out. 在夏天帐篷可以挡蚊子。
9. sparrow [ 5spArEu ] n. 麻雀 Actually sparrows eat pests more than grains. 实际上麻雀吃的害虫比庄稼多。
10. squid [ skwid] n. 鱿鱼 Now squids don’t belong to only the rich people’s dinner any more. 现在鱿鱼不再只属于富裕人家吃的东西了。
11. squirrel [ 5skwirEl] n. 松鼠 Look! A squirrel is jumping from one pine to another. 看!一只松鼠正从一棵松树跳到另一棵松树上。
12. tortoise [ 5tC:tEs] n. 龟, 迟缓的人 I can’t bear those who move as slow as tortoises. 我不能忍受那些如乌龟般迟缓的人。
13. whale [ weil, hw- ] n. 鲸 v. 捕鲸 The whale is the largest mammal living at sea. 鲸是生活在海里的最大的哺乳动物。
14. coral [ 5kCrEl] n. 珊瑚, 珊瑚虫 Corals make the seabed a beautiful world. 珊瑚使海底成了一个美丽的世界。
15. frog [ frC^ ] n. 青蛙 Frogs are generally regarded as a beneficial animal. 青蛙通常被认为是有益的动物。
16. dinosaur [ 5dainEsC:] n. 恐龙 It’s assumed that dinosaurs died out because of a natural catastrophe. 人们认为恐龙灭绝是因为自然灾害的原因。
17. elephant [ 5elifEnt] n. 大象 People began to use elephants to guard the forest. 人们开始用大象来保护森林。
Which is the strongest animal, the camel, kangaroo, elephant, dinosaur or the ant? The ant! It can lift weights many times heavier than itself!
Which is the most lovely animal, the monkey, giraffe, squirrel, or the panda? Of course the panda, which no one doubts probably.
Which moves the fastest, the parrot, sparrow, frog, tortoise, or the mosquito? Is it the sparrow?

Did you see the whale jump out of the sea?

A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.


A minute later a6) killer whale ate them both.


The Blue Whale is the world's largest living animal.


※FThe future is just old age and illness and pain … I must have peace and health. This is the only way.——James Whale, American director 未来不过是年事已高、疾病和痛苦……我一定要拥有平和与健康,这是唯一的路。美国电影导演 威尔 J
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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:45



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