高中选修八 Unit3

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distinguish 音标:[di'stiŋɡwiʃ]

vt. 区别, 辨别vi. 区别, 辨别相关词组: distinguish A from B distinguish oneself in... distinguish...into...
谐音:的士听故事 的士听故事和听歌区别不大。
联想方式:dis[谐音]的士,ting[拼音]停,i我,u you(你),sh[拼音]是
词根词缀记忆法:distinguish a 区别;辩出(dis分开+stingu[=sting]+ish→把刺分开→区别),sting ,stinct,stimul=priek表示”刺,刺激“
distinguish (考频:5)
v.①区别,辨别,辨认出:I can’t distinguish the two types of shampoo at the first sight.乍看上去,我分不清这两种洗发水。
②使杰出:She distinguished herself as a black lawyer.她成了一位杰出的黑人律师。
distinguish (vi.) between...and...=
distinguish (vt.)...from... 区别……与……
【派】distinguishable a.可区别的,可辨别的;distinguished a.卓越的,杰出的

1. same [ seim ] adj. 同一的, 相同的 注意:the same … as 与……一样 The twins look the same, but there do exist some differences. 双胞胎看起来一样,但确实存在有一些不同之处。
2. similar [ 5similE ] adj. 相似的, 类似的 Your answer is similar to mine. 你的回答与我的相似。
3. seminar [ 5seminB:] n. 研究会 Most of the courses are seminar courses 多数课程是讨论式的课程。
4. like [ laik ] prep. 象, 如同 Like the father, like the son. 有其父必有其子。
5. alike [ E5laik ] adj. 相同的, 相似的(后置定语) adv. 以同样的方式, 类似于 The twins are as alike as two peas in a pod. 这对双胞胎长得象一个豆荚里的两颗豆子。
6. different [ 5difrEnt] adj. 不同的 Their customs are quite different from ours. 他们的风俗与我们的相当不同。
7. distinct [ dis5tiNkt ] Readily distinguishable from all others adj. 清楚的, 明显的, 截然不同的, 独特的 My brother is a man of very distinct character. 我的弟弟性格截然不同。
8. distinction [ dis5tiNkFEn ] n. 区别, 差别 Have you noticed the distinction between them?你注意到了他们之间的差别了吗?
9. distinguish [ dis5tiN^wiF ] v. 区别, 辨别 Children should be brought up to distinguish between right and wrong. 应该教育孩子辨别是非。
10. some [ sQm, sEm, sm ] 一些 Would you like some more tea?你还要来点茶吗?
11. sale [ seil ] n. 销售 Peaches are on sale these days. 这些日子桃子正在上市。
12. save [ seiv ] vt. 救,节省 It’s virtue to save some money for the future. 为将来存钱是种美德。
13. safe [ seif ] adj. 安全的 We are glad that he has returned safe and sound. 我们很高兴他平安地回来了。
Though I don’t have the same idea as yours, mine is quite similar to yours. We’d better save some money from the sale of the different goods for future development.

It's easy to distinguish the black duck from the yellow ones.

Two new ways to patch the oddments together and distinguish genuine from false information are reported this week.


He was able to dimly distinguish forests of thickly clustered conifers and deciduous trees in a dappled, dazzling, endless sea of trees as they flashed by his sled on both sides.


She was distinguished from the other girls by her height.


※I finally know what distinguishes man from the other beasts:financial worries.——Jules Renard, French playwright  我终于明白人与野兽的区别在于:人为钱而担忧。法国剧作家勒纳尔.J.  
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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:44



栏    目:高中选修八 Unit3







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