高中选修八 Unit3

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invaluable 音标:[in'væljuəbl ]

a. 无价的, 价值无法衡量的

词根词缀记忆法:invaluable a 无法估价的(in不+val+uable→不能估价的),uail,ual = strong,表示“强壮”
  • valuable, invaluable, valueless, valued的用法区别

    valuable, invaluable, valueless, valued的用法区别

    1.valuable (宝贵的,有价值的)和 invaluable (极宝贵的,极有价值的)并不是一对反义词,而是一对意义相近的词,后者比前者语气更强,相当于 extremely valuable。如:
    It was a valuable (an invaluable) painting. 那是一幅很有(极有)价值的画。
    Your help has been valuable (invaluable) to us. 你对我们的帮助是非常宝贵的。
    注:在现代英语中,invaluable 通常不用来谈论价格 (price) 或钱 (money),而是指“极其有用的”(=very useful indeed),即侧重品质而不侧重东西。
    2. valuable (宝贵的,有价值的)与 valueless (无价值的,没有用的)是一对反义词。如:
    This jewellery is valueless; it is made of glass and ordina查看详情更多>>
1. value [ 5vAlju:, -ju ] n. 价值 vt. 珍惜, 评价, 重视 No one can tell the exact value of love. 没有人能准确说出爱的价值。格言: If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well. 值得做就要好好做。
2. evaluate [ i5vAljueit ] vt. 评价, 估计 The house is evaluated to be worth three million yuan. 这房子估价三百万。
3. assess [ E5ses ] To determine the value, significance vt. 估定, 评定 The school will assess every teacher’s work at the end of each school year. 每学年末学校都要评估每位老师的工作。
4. assessment [ E5sesmEnt] n. 评估, 评估的款额 [税额],看法 What is your assessment of the situation?你对形势有什么看法?
5. valuable [ 5vAljuEbl ] adj. 贵重的, 有价值的 I find his advice valuable. 我觉得他的建议有价值。
6. valueless adj. 不足道的 What they found was just some valueless coins. 他们发现的只是一些没什么价值的硬币。
7. invaluable [ in5vAljuEbl] adj. 无价的, 价值无法衡量的 Devotion is invaluable. 爱的无价的。
8. priceless [ 5praislis ] adj. 无价的, 极贵重的 Actually, Mona lisa by Da Vincy is priceless. 实际上,达芬奇画的《蒙娜丽莎》是无价之宝。
9. precious [ 5preFEs ] adj. 宝贵的, 贵重的 Gold is a kind of precious metal. 黄金是一干贵重金属。
10. worth [ wE:W ] n. 价值, 财产 adj. 值钱的, 值……的 be worth doing值得做 Love those who are worth loving. 要爱那些值得爱的人。
11. worthy [ 5wE:Ti ] adj. 有价值的, 应. . . 的, 可敬的, 值得的 I don’t think such a fashion girl worthy of being loved.我认为这样的时尚女孩并不值得爱。 be worthy to be done 或be worthy of being done值得做
12. worthwhile [ 5wE:T5(h)wail ] adj. 值得做的, 值得出力的 It’s worthwhile that we spent so much time helping the trapped panda. 我们花那么多的时间救受困的大熊猫是值得的。
13. worthless [5w\:WlIs] adj. 无价值的, 无益的 Not all the waste is worthless. Some can be recycled. 并非所有的废物都没有价值。一些东西可以再回收。
14. treasure [ 5treVE ] n. 财宝, 财富, 珍品 vt. 珍爱, 珍惜 Treasure real friendship and make real friends. 珍惜真正的友谊,交真正的朋友。
15. jewel [ 5dVu:El ] n. 宝石 The jewels he discovered made him rich overnight.他发现的珠宝使他一夜暴富。
16. jewelry [5dVu:ElrI] n. 宝石(总称,不可数名词) Later, he ran a jewelry shop in New York. 后来,他在纽约开了一家珠宝店。
Friendship is worth valuing. I think it is more valuable than any precious jewel. It’s priceless. It is worthy to be called most invaluable treasure in our life.

This jade bracelet is really an invaluable to article.


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