高中选修八 Unit3

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expectation 音标:[,ekspek'teɪʃn]

n. 期待, 指望, 展望【化】 期望值【医】 预期【经】 期待, 预期, 期望
词根词缀记忆法:expectation n 期待,希望(expect+ation),Spect, spic= look, see,表示“看”
1. receive get vt. (客观上)得到 I received the invitation, but I didn’t accept it. 我收到了邀请,但我没有接受。
2. 加后缀-er: receiver n. 听筒 He picked up the receiver at once. 他马上拿起了听筒。
3. 变体:receipt n. 收据 When you buy something, you should ask for the receipt. 买东西的时候别忘了索要收据。
4. 加后缀-tion: reception n. 接待 His warm reception made our stay pleasant. 他的热情接待使我们在那儿过得很愉快。
5. 加后缀:-ist: receptionist n. 接待员 The receptionists here are warm-hearted. 这里的接待员非常热心。
6. accept To receive (something offered), especially with gladness. ac-cept (主观上)接受; He accepted our gift happily. 他愉快地接受了我们的礼物。
7. recipe n. 处方 His family has some secret recipe to treat some unusual diseases. 他的家族有些治疗怪病的秘方。
8. 前缀ex-表示“外”,except排除在外,prep. 除了Everyone is here except Li. 除了李之外大家都到了。
9. 加名词后缀-ion, exception除了的事 n. 例外Everyone should obey the rule without exception. 每个人毫无例外地都要遵守规则。
10. 词根spect表示“看”:expect v. 向外看,因为心有所期待,等待 We expect to see you next week. 我们期待着下周见到你。
11. expectation n. 期待, 预料, 指望, 展望 I’m sorry to fail your expectation. 对不起让你失望了!
12. 前缀 re-表示“回”, respect 回首看,因为心有敬意,n. & vt. 尊重,尊敬Everyone should be respected. 每个人都应受到尊重。
13. in为里面, inspect在内部看,v. 视察After inspecting the school, he showed his satisfaction with warm words.视察完后,他用热情的话语表达了他对学校的满意。
14. a, 一,aspect 看一看,看到一个方面,n. 方面,外貌We should try to examine things in all aspects. 我们看问题要多方面地看。
15. 前缀su- 由sub-“下”而来,suspect在下面看,不相信,vt. & n.怀疑 He never suspects his teacher’s words, which I don’t think is good. 他从不怀疑他的老师的话,我认为这并不好。
16. -ator表示“……的人”,spectator n. 观众The beauty of the scene moved every spectator. 美丽的景色托运了每一位观众。
17. -acle,名词后缀;spectacle n. 景象,景色 A grand spectacle spread in front of them.一幅宏大的景象展现在他们眼前。
Napoleon received many presents that expressed respects for him, but he accepted nothing except some flowers. He expected to inspect the army without any exception. Some soldiers suspected whether such a short man could lead them well. They thought they might watch a special spectacle as spectators.

My parents' expectation sounds like a mission impossible.

He has little expectation of passing the exam.


※That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. 好书开卷引人入胜,闭卷使人得益。
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    发布人:yanjing1823  发布时间:发布时间:2011-07-02 07:23:38




栏    目:高中选修八 Unit3







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