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harbor 音标:['hɑ:bə(r)]

n. 港, 避难所vt. 庇护, 藏匿, (使)入港停泊vi. 庇护, 藏匿, (使)入港停泊
1. port [ pC:t] n. 港口, 避风港 We have modern ports along the coast. 我们沿海有现代化的港口。
2. import [ im5pC:t] im-, 向里面;vt. 输入, 进口 In my opinion, it’s more important to import the technique than the products.我认为进口技术比进口产品更重要。
3. important [ im5pC:tEnt ] 加形容词后缀-ant, 进口的东西应当是重要的 adj. 重要的 Attention, please. I have something important to tell you.请注意一下,我有重要的事要告诉大家。
4. importance [ im5pC:tEns ] n. 重要(性) The meeting is of great importance. You mustn’t miss it.会议很重要。你不能不去。
5. export [ 5ekspC:t ] ex-, 向外面;v. 出口 More factories have begun to export their products sensibly.更多的工厂开始有理智地出口他们的产品。
6. porter [ 5pC:tE ] n. 行李搬运工 A porter will take you to the airport exit. 行李搬运工会带你到机场出口处的。
7. portable [ 5pC:tEbl ] adj. 轻便的, 手提(式)的, 便携式的 I’d like to buy a portable MP3 player.我想买便携式MP3播放器。
8. airport [ 5ZEpC:t ] n. 飞机场 You needn’t see me off at the airport. 你不必到机场为我送行。
9. passport [ 5pB:spC:t] n. 护照 Without a passport, you can’t go abroad.没有护照就不能出国。
10. transport [ trAns5pC:t ] 前缀trans表示“跨越”, transport, 从一个港口到另一个港口,vt.传送, 运输 Ships can transport goods in a cheaper way.轮船运输更便宜。
11. transportation [ 7trAnspC:5teiFEn ] n. 运输 We have a well developed transportation system. 我们有一个很发达的交通系统。
12. sport [ spC:t ] n. 运动,运动会 What sport are you fond of?你喜欢什么运动?
13. report [ ri5pC:t ] 再次到港口,要报告 n. & v. 报告 He is sure to report your poor report to your parents.他肯定会把你的糟糕报道向你的父母报告的。
14. support [ sE5pC:t ] sup-, 在下面;n. & v. 支持,赡养 Go on! I support you.继续干!我支持你。
15. harbor [ 5hB:bE ] n.海港 Seeing the harbor, the sailors began to sing a happy song.水手们看到港口后开始欢快地唱起了歌。
16. bay [ bei ] A body of water partially enclosed by land but with a wide mouth n. 海湾 Do you know where the Bay of Biscay is?你知道比斯开湾在哪里吗?
17. gulf [ ^Qlf] A large area of a sea or ocean partially enclosed by land n. 海湾, 深渊 When did the Gulf War break out? 海湾战争是什么时候爆发的?
18. anchor [ 5ANkE ] n. 锚 v. 抛锚 The ship is at anchor in the harbor.船在港口抛锚了。
We can build a port/harbor where we may import important equipment and export our products all over the world. An airport is of great importance in transportation, too. It’s reported that supports come from all walks of life, including people in the sports field.

The water inside this man-made harbor would be calm.


The harbor is four fathoms deep.


Shanghai is a first-rate harbor.




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