五年级上册 Unit2

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park 音标:[pɑ:k]

n. 公园, 停车处vt. 停车, 置于vi. 停车【法】 猎园, 停车场, 园林
 分析:pa— “怕”;r—“人”;k—“看”
 怕人看见。

1. garden [ 5^B:dn ] n. (菜、花)园, 花园 A house with a garden is no longer a dream for people in Chengdu.对成都人来说,带有花园的房子不再是个梦想。
2. gardener [5^B:dnE(r)] n. 园丁 My uncle works as a gardener in the school.我的叔叔在学校做园丁。
3. gardening [5^B:dnIN] n. 园艺 These days people skilled at gardening are most popular.这段时间熟悉园艺的人很受欢迎。
4. kindergarten [ 5kindE7^B:tn ] kinder-garten kinder, 孩子;n. 幼儿园 More and more kindergartens are employing male teachers now.越来越多的幼儿园开始雇佣男老师。
5. pardon [ 5pB:dn ] vt. 原谅, 宽恕 Pardon my parking the car in your garden, please.请原谅我把车停在你的花园里了。
6. park [ pB:k ] n. 公园, 停车场 vt. 停放(汽车等) During May Day holiday, all the parks were crowded with visitors of different ages.在五一节期间,所有的公园都挤满了人。
7. yard [ jB:d ] n. 院子, 码 We planted peach trees around our yard. 我们在园子周围种了桃树。
8. schoolyard [`skU:ljB:d] n. 校园 Our schoolyard will leave you an unforgettable impression.我们的校园会给你一个难忘的印象。
9. courtyard [5kC:tjB:d] n. 庭院, 院子 It’s expensive to build a courtyard in the urban area.在城市地区建花园要花很多钱。
The kindergarten should be a garden for children. It can’t be like a schoolyard where they study too hard. We won’t pardon the teacher who is like a strict gardener.

I liked to play in the park when I was a kid.

"Will anybody volunteer to clean the park up?" "I'll do it!"

The park is in the northern part of the city.


Early in the morning, I went to Xiangshan Park for sightseeing with my parents.


Parallel park in this space ahead.


※A little spark kindles a great fire. 星星之火,可以燎原。
※A single spark can start a prairie fire. 星星之火,可以燎原。
※From a little spark may burst a mighty flame. 星星之火可以燎原。
※When the heart is afire, some sparks will fly out at the mouth. 心中发火,口吐妄言。
※Democracy means not "I am as good as you are "but you are as good as I am ."——Theodore Parker, American theologian  民主的含义不是“我和你一样好”,而是“你和我一样好”。美国神学家 帕克。.T.  
※Wherever in the world a people knows desperate want, there must appear at least the spark of hope, the hope of progress--or there will surely rise at last the flames of conflict.——Dwight Eisenhower,Commander in chief of the Allied forces in the second World War 任何地方,一个民族只要知道自己迫切需要什么,那里就会出现希望的火花,出现进步的希望,换句话说,最后必定会燃起抗争的火焰。第二次世界大战中盟军最高司令 艾森豪威尔,D.
※Labour to keep alive in your breast that spark of celestial fire, called conscience.——George Washington, Father of the United States努力保持那胸中圣火即称作良心的火花久燃不息。美国国父 华盛顿.G.
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栏    目:五年级上册 Unit2







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