五年级上册 Unit2

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cooking 音标:['kukiŋ]

n. 烹饪【化】 熬炼; 热炼; 蒸煮
1. cook [ kuk ] n. 厨师 v. 烹调 The cook can cook lots of delicious food.这厨师能做许多美味佳肴。 格言: Too many cooks spoil the broth (soup). 厨师多了难烧汤。
2. cooker [ 5kukE ] n. 炊具 With modern cookers, cooking becomes more pleasant.有了现代炊具,做饭就好多了。
3. cookery [ 5kukEri ] n. 烹调术 The boy wants to study cookery.男孩想学烹调。
4. cooking [ 5kukiN] n. 烹饪 Those who are good at cooking often receive higher pay. 擅长烹调的人常常收入高。
5. cuisine [ kwi(:)5zi:n] cui-sine A characteristic manner or style of preparing food n. 厨房烹调法, 烹饪 Sichuan cuisine has a special attraction to me.川菜对我有特别的吸引力。
6. cookie [`kJkI] n. (苏格兰)甜面包, (美国)小甜饼 Some cookies will do to show welcome to children. 要向孩子寺示欢迎,一些小甜饼可行了。
7. delicious [ di5liFEs ] adj. 可口的 Seldom does a boy not water for delicious food. 很少有男孩不想吃美味食物。
8. cock [ kCk] n. 公鸡 Cocks crow for daybreak. 公鸡打鸣报晓。
9. book [ buk ] n. 书; n. 预定 I have booked a nice room for you.我为你订了一间不错的房子。
10. look [ luk] n. 看, 注视, 脸色, 面容, 外表vi.看, 注意, 显得 His serious look suggested that he would tell us something important.他严肃的神色表明他要给我们讲的事很重要。 格言: Look before you leap.三思而后行。
11. took [ tuk ] take 的过去式 The thief took the diamond ring away. 小偷把钻石戒指拿走了。
12. cool [ ku:l ] adj.凉爽 What a cool feeling to stay in cool water in summer.夏天呆在水里的感觉真爽!
It took the cook just a few minutes to cook the chicken from a cock with a cooker according to the cookery. How cool he was to cook a delicious dish so quickly! Besides, he could make very nice cookies!

She has prepared the cooking material for lunch.

Herbs can be used when cooking to add flavor to a dish.

Everyone thought it was funny to see the baby in the cooking pot.

He misunderstood the way of cooking smoked meat.

Cooking is an enjoyable task.


※Good painting is like good cooking; it ca n be tasted, but not explained. Maurice de vlaminck , French painter——简单地说,伟大的文学就是包涵极其丰富意义的语言。美国诗人  庞德 E


栏    目:五年级上册 Unit2







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