高中必修五 Unit4

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process 音标:['prəuses]

n. 程序, 进行, 过程vt. 加工, 使...接受处理, 对...处置, 对...起诉a. 经加工的, 有特殊光效的【计】 进程【化】 过程【医】 突, 过程, 处置法, 病变, 作用【经】 加工, 处理, 过程相关词组: in the process of in process

记忆方法: 飘柔车,时时都在监控生产过程。
词根词缀记忆法:process过程;进行,ced, ceed, cess=go,表示“行走,前进”
1. 词根ced, ceed, cess, 含义是“行,让步”前缀suc 即sub的变体,下面,success [ sEk5ses ] 走在了下面,成功, Everyone is after success. But success belongs to those who use both his hands and brains.每个人都在追逐成功,但成功属于那些既动手又动脑的人。
2. succeed [ sEk5si:d] vi, 成功, 继...之后, 继任 注意: succeed in doing something. Finally we succeeded in getting to the top.最后我们成功地到达了顶峰。
3. successful [ sEk5sesful ] adj. 成功的 Many factors make a successful writer.多种因素造就了一名成功的作家。
4. successfully [sEk5sesfJlI] adv. 成功地 China has launched manned space travel successfully.中国已成功地进行了载人太空飞行。
5. unsuccessful [ 5QnsEk5sesful ] adj. 不成功的 The project turned out to be unsuccessful.那项工程结果并不成功。
6. successor [ sEk5sesE ] n.继承者, 接任者, 后续的事物 The successors of the films are not all successful. 电影的续集并非都成功。
7. ex- 表示“out”, excess [ ik5ses, 5ekses ] n. & v. 过度,超过 The noise is in excess of what we can stand.我们受不了那噪音。
8. pro- 表示“向前” proceed [ prE5si:d] To go forward or onward, especially after an interruption vi.进行, 继续下去, 发生 The speech contest proceeded. 演讲比赛继续。
9. process [ prE5ses] A series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result n. 过程, 作用, 方法 vt.加工, 处理 I’m afraid the process is too complicated for you.恐怕这种方法对你过于复杂。
10. procedure [ prE5si:dVE ] A manner of proceeding n.程序, 手续 Finishing the procedure, he felt too tired. 完成手续后,他感到太累。
11. access [ 5Akses ] ac-cess n. 通路, 访问, 入门 vt.存取, 接近 No access to the house is given to common civilians.普通人不许进那房子。
12. accessible [ Ek5sesEbl ] adj. 易接近的, 可到达的, 易受影响的, 可理解的 The palace is not accessible for us.那宫殿我们去不了。
His first book was such a great success that he sold tens of thousands of copies successfully. He thought he could succeed in writing another successful book, however, the successor turned out to be unsuccessful.

This process produces a natural mummy of the animal's carcass.


N-UNCOUNT. 计划;规划;设计. Planning is the process of deciding in detail how to do something before you actually start to do it.

Chen and smile all the viewers to watch a soccer match to ease the process of tension.


Adolescence is the process of going from childhood to maturity.


※Husbands and wives in the process of divorce (and those in the throes of another argument )easily fall into the trap of denigraging the other, publicly if possible, and as often as possible.——Howards Mel, American writer 正在闹离婚的(包括那些处于吵闹不停的痛楚中的)夫妻们很容易陷在对方的泥沼中不能自拔, 这种诋毁是尽可能公开的,尽量频繁地进行。美国作家 梅尔.H. "
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栏    目:高中必修五 Unit4







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