高中必修五 Unit4

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technical 音标:['teknikl]

a. 技术上的, 专门的, 工业的, 严格根据法律的【化】 技巧【医】 技术的, 工艺的, 专业的【经】 技术的, 工艺的, 专门性的
谐音:他可能考 他可能考艺术院校。
词根词缀记忆法:technical a 技术上的,techn=skill,ability,表示“技术,能力”
1. experience [ iks5piEriEns] ex-, 外,出;per, 做;-ience,为名词后缀;experience, 做过的事,n. &.vt. 经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历 注意:表示“经验”时为不可数名词,一条经验:a piece of experience; 表示“经历”为可数名词,an experience 表示一段经历。A man of related experience is preferred.有相应经验的人优先。 格言:Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的教师。
2. experienced [Ik5spIErIEnst] adj. 富有经验的 We are glad to learn that an experienced teacher will teach us English. 我们很高兴地了解到一位有经验的老师将教我们的英语。
3. experiment [ iks5perimEnt] 加名词后缀ment, n. 实验, 试验 vi. 进行实验, 做试验 The experiment has proved his hypothesis true. 实验已经证明他的假设是真的。
4. experimental [ eks7peri5mentl] adj. 实验的, 根据实验的 A new language experimental school has been founded in the city. 城市里修建了一所新的语言实验学校。
5. lab [ lAb ] n. 实验室, 研究室 Liping is still in the lab doing his experiment. 李平仍在实验室做实验。
6. laboratory [ lE5bCrEtEri, 5lAbErEtEri ] labor, 劳动;at, 在;-ory为名词后缀,表示地方;laboratory,在里面劳动的地方,n. 实验室
7. expert [ 5ekspE:t] 加后缀t, 即-ist, n. 专家, 行家 adj. 老练的, 内行的 The boy is sure to become a computer expert before long. 这男子不久肯定会成为电脑专家。
8. specialist [5speFElIst] special-ist n. 专门医师, 专家 A cancer specialist will come to examine him. 一名癌症专家将来检查他。
9. skilled [ skild ] adj. 熟练的 Our company is in great need of skilled workers. 我们公司非常需要熟练工人。
10. skill [ skil ] n. 技能, ,技巧, 熟练 Listening is a skill learned by practice rather than by explanation. 听力是练出来而不是讲解出来的技能。
11. technique [ tek5ni:k] The systematic procedure by which a complex or scientific task is accomplished n. 技术, 技巧 They have developed a more advanced technique. 他们开发了一种更先进的技术。
12. technology [ tek5nClEdVi ] The scientific method and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective. n. 工艺, 科技, 技术 The new technology can increase the production greatly. 新工艺会大大提高生产。
13. technical [ 5teknikEl] adj. 技术的, 技术上的 We met with a technical problem so we need your help. 我们遇到了一个技术问题,因此需要你的帮助。
14. technician [tek5nIF(E)n] n. 技术员, 技师 His sister has turned senior technician. 他妹妹已成为高级技师。
15. hi-tech adj. 高技术的 Digital video recorder is a hi-tech product. 数码摄像机是一种高科技产品。
An electric technician, an expert experienced at electric equipment, is in the lab guiding the students to do the experiment. The advanced experimental technique helps develop the students’ practical skills more efficiently.

I hired both of them for their technical competence.

We go to her for any technical questions.

Several experts will participate as technical advisers.


He advised us on technical matters.

在技术问题上, 他给我们提供了咨询。



栏    目:高中必修五 Unit4







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