高中选修七 Unit2

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envy 音标:['envɪ]

n. 羡慕, 嫉妒vt. 羡慕, 嫉妒相关词组: feel envy at... out of envy
词根词缀记忆法:envy v 毒剂(en+vy[=vid]看到[别人]→妒忌),vis,vid=see表示“看”
envy v./n. 羡慕,忌妒
解析:envious a.嫉妒的
1. admire [ Ed5maiE ] v. 赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕 A man with great achievements should be admired. 一个有伟大成就的人应该受到赞美。
2. admiration [ 7AdmE5reiFEn ] n. 钦佩, 赞美, 羡慕 He showed his admirations to the girl. 他向女子表达了他的羡慕之情。
3. admirable [ 5AdmErEbl ] adj. 令人钦佩的, 值得赞美的 His recent accomplishments are admirable. 他最近的成绩是值得赞赏的。
4. advance [ Ed5vB:ns ] n. 前进, 提升, 预付款 v. 前进, 提前, 预付 in advance 提前 We will advance to the next village. 我们会往前到下一下村庄的。 格言: He who does not advance loses ground. 不进则退。
5. advanced [ Ed5vB:nst ] adj. 高级的, 先进的 My brother is studying advanced maths in Tongji University. 我的兄弟正在同济大学研究高等数学。
6. advantage [ Ed5vB:ntidV ] n. 优势, 有利条件 We can take advantage of the rich resources here. 我们可以利用好这里丰富的资源。
7. advantageous [ 7AdvEn5teidVEs ] adj. 有利的 Now our team is in an advantageous position. 现在我们队处于有利地位。
8. disadvantage [ 7disEd5vB:ntidV ] n. 不利, 不利条件, 缺点, 劣势 Haven’t you realized the severe disadvantages of our situation?你难道没有意识到我们形势的严峻吗?
9. disadvantageous [ 7disAdvB:n5teidVEs ] adj. 不利的 Though in a disadvantageous situation, we will fight our way out. 虽然处于不利地位,我们仍要打出一条路来。
10. drawback [ 5drC:7bAk ] A disadvantage or inconvenience. n. 缺点, 障碍 The drawback will bring us some difficulty, though. 然而,这些障碍会给我们带来困难。
11. shortcoming [5FC:tkQmIN] A deficiency; a flaw n. 缺点, 短处 Nobody is without his shortcomings. 人无完人。
12. envy [ 5envi ] A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another n. vt. 羡慕, 嫉妒 The envy will spoil her. 那份嫉妒会毁了她。
13. envious [ 5enviEs] adj. 嫉妒的, 羡慕的 She is envious of her sister for her beauty. 她嫉妒她妹妹的美貌。
14. jealous [ 5dVelEs] Resentful or bitter in rivalry; envious: adj. 妒忌的 We can’t be jealous of others’ success. 我们不能嫉妒别人的成功。
15. jealousy [ 5dVelEsi] n. 嫉妒 Constant jealousy breaks friendship. 嫉妒不断,友情难再。
He admired Mary for her the advanced computer so much that he envied her. This put him in disadvantage. If he took advantage of his disadvantage in the right way, it could encourage him to advance on, maybe soon it will be her turn to be envious/jealous

The single woman feels envy when she sees a happy couple.

The dullard's envy of brilliant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to a bad end. (Max Beerbohm).


It is not seen on television, movies, freedom of travel envy divers in the sea?


envy her youth and strength.


※The dullard's envy of brilliant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to a bad end.——Sir Max Beerbohm, British writer笨人对聪明人的嫉妒常因“他们不会善终”的猜测而得以减弱。英国作家  毕尔博姆爵士  M
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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:44



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