高中选修八 Unit2

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gene 音标:[dʒi:n]

n. 基因【化】 基因(遗传因子)【医】 基因, 遗传因子
谐音:基因 基因即遗传因子。
gene (考频:6)
【记】谐音:[英] gene—音译 → [汉] 基因
n.基因,遗传:dominant genes显性基因

1. gene [ dVi:n ] 音“基因”,n. 基因 The relatives have some similar gene. 亲属们有相似的基因。
2. general [ 5dVenErEl ] n. 将军 adj. 一般的, 普通的, 综合的, 概括的, 大体的 general idea大意;in general一般说来 The general said he needed a general report.将军说他需要一份总的报告。 格言:He is the best general who makes the fewest mistakes.少犯错误就是常胜将军。
3. generate [ 5dVenE7reit ] vt. 产生, 发生 The electricity generated here is conveyed all over the province. 这儿发的电被传送到全省各地。
4. generation [ 7dVenE5reiFEn ] n. 产生, 一代, 一代人 Merits should be passed from generation to generation. 美德应当代代相传。
5. secret [ 5si:krit] n. 秘密, 秘诀, 奥秘 adj. 秘密的, 隐秘的, 幽静的 Well, you can keep a secret, so can I. 好,你能保密,我也能。
6. secretary [ 5sekrEtri] n. 秘书, 书记 We believe under the leadership centered by Mr. Hu Jintao as the general secretary China will have a bright future. 我们相信在以胡锦涛先生为总书记为中心的集体领导下,中国会有一个光明的未来。
7. clerk [ klB:k; klE:k ] n. 职员, 办事员 He works as an ordinary clerk in the office. 他在办公室里担任普通职员。
8. staff [ stB:f ] A group of assistants to a manager, an executive, or another person in authority. n. 棒, 全体职员 I think all my staff is conscientious. 我认为我的全体职员是尽职的。
9. crew [ kru: ] All personnel operating or serving aboard a ship; A group of people working together n. 全体人员 The crew shouted at the sight of the harbor. 一看到港口,全体船员欢叫起来。
In general, the gene project is no longer a secret one to the modern generation. Not only does the teaching staff in our university know it but also the office clerks, the flight crew even the secretary of the general know something about it.

A couple walking in the park noticed a young man and woman sitting on a bench, passionately kissing.
"Why don't you do that?" said the wife.
"Honey," replied her husband, "I don't even know that woman!"

One, taken from a relative of the cod called the ocean pout, promotes the activity of the gene that encodes growth hormone.


A Study on the Relationship between Prolactin Receptor Gene and Reproductive Capability of Alpaca (Lama pacos)


The disease is caused by gene mutation.


Synthesize gene and clone the object gene into suitable vector.


※A lie begets a lie till they come to generation. 谎言生谎言,谎言传万代。
※It is the general rule, that all superior men inherit the elements ofsuperiority from their mother. 一切优秀的人通常都从他们母亲那里继承优良的因素。
※Business?That's very simple---- it's other people's money.Alexandre Dumas, French novelist——做生意吗? 那太简单了——叫别人掏钱包。法国小说家    小仲马 A Business underlies everything in our national life, including our spiritual life, Witness the fact that in the Lord's prayer the first petition is for daily  bread, No one can worship God or love his neighbor on an empty stoach.Woodrow  Wilson.  American    President生活包括精神生活的基础。不容置疑的事实是,在主祷文中向上帝祈求的第一件事是让我们天天有面包。没有人能饿着肚子敬奉上帝或热爱他的邻居。 美国总统    威尔逊  W. Did you ever expect a corporation to have a conscience, when it has no soul to  damned, and no body to be kicked?Edward Thurlow, British Lawyer公司既没有灵魂可以被诅咒,又没有躯体可以被踢翻,难道你指望它有什么良心吗?英国律师       瑟洛杉矶 .E. Economy the poor man's mints; extravagance  the rich man's pitfall.Martin Tupper. American   economist.节约是穷人的造币厂,浪费是富人的陷阱。美国经济学家      塔珀 .M。 For years  I thought what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa.Charles E. Wilison American president of GN多少年业,我始终认为对国家有利的事对我们通用汽车公司也有利,反之亦然。美国通用汽车公司总裁  威尔逊  C.E. Good times, bad times, there will always be advertising, In good times people want advertising; in bad times  they have to.Bruce Barton  British  economist管是繁荣时期还是萧条时期,广告总会存在。繁荣时,人们想做广告;萧条时,人们不得不做广告。英国经济学家  巴顿  B. Here's the rule for bargains "Do other men, for they would do you." That's the true precept.Charles Dickens.  British novelist这里有一条交易法则:“欺骗他人,因为他们也欺骗你。”这是真正的经商之道。英国小说家  狄更斯 C If Enterprise is afoot, wealth accumulates whatever may be happening to Thrift; and if Enterprise is asleep, wealth decays, whatever Thrift may be doing.John  Maynard  keynes British  economist如果企业在进展,不论节俭不节俭,财富也在衰落。国经济学家  凯恩斯 .J.M. Literature flourishes best when it is half a trade and half an art.Wiliam  Rplph lnge,  Birtish  writer and churchman当文学一半成为贸易,一半成为艺术时,那是它最繁荣的时期。英国作家和牧师  英奇.   W.R. Men trifle with their business and their politics, but they never trifle with their games.George Burnard Shaw  British dramatist男人拿生意和政治当儿戏,可是他们玩起来却从不当儿戏。英国剧作家    肖伯纳  .G.
※Let us cross over the river  and sit in the hade of the trees.American general Thoman Stonewall Jackson——让我们渡过这条河,坐到树荫下.美国将军  杰克逊.T.S.
※Aaws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in .      William Shensto, British poet 人们通常会发现,法律就是这样一种的网,触犯法律的人,小的可以穿网而过,大的可以破网而出,只有中等的才会坠入网中。英国诗人   申斯通 W
※There is no general rule without some exception. 普遍规律必有例外。
※Be just before you are generous. 要慷慨必先求公正。
※Chance generally favours the prudent. 运气通常照顾深思熟虑者.
※People generally quarrel because they cannot argue. 通常人们是因为不会辩理才吵架的。
※Life is for one generation, a good name is forever. 生命只有一代之久,而美名永存于世.
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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:43



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