高中选修八 Unit2

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clone 音标:[kləun]

n. 无性系【计】 代用件【化】 克隆【医】 无性系, 纯系(植物,细胞,细菌等)
谐音:克隆 克隆即无性繁殖。
1. clone [klEJn] 音“克隆” The human clone is prohibited in most countries. 多数国家禁止克隆人。
2. golf [ ^Clf] 音“高尔夫” Do you think golf belongs to the rich?你认为高尔夫球属于有钱人吗?
3. howl [ haul ] 音 “嚎”,v. 嚎叫 At night we could hear the howling of the beast. 晚上我们能听到野兽的嚎叫。
4. lemon [ 5lemEn ] 音“柠檬” The lemon often has a color of yellow. 柠檬常呈黄色。
5. lemonade [ 7lemE5meid ] n. 柠檬水 I’d like a glass of lemonade. 我要一杯柠檬水。
6. marathon [ 5mArEWEn ] 音“马拉松” It’s admirable to take part in marathon, and it’s a great pride to win in marathon. 参加马拉松的人是令人钦佩的,在马拉松中获胜更是一种骄傲。
7. Moslem [ 5mCzlem, 5mCzlim] 音“穆斯林”Most Arabians belong to Moslem. 多数阿拉伯人属于穆斯林。
8. nylon [ 5nailEn ] 音“尼龙” The rope is made of nylon. 这绳是用尼龙做的。
9. cigar [ si5^B: ] 音“雪茄” He think himself handsome with a cigar in his mouth.他嘴里叼着雪茄,自以为潇洒。
10. salad [ 5sAlEd ] 音“色拉”She makes wonderful salad. 她做的色拉很棒。
11. shark [ FB:k ] 音“鲨”,鲨鱼 The shark is a fierce meat-eating fish in the sea. 鲨鱼是大海中凶猛的食肉鱼类。
12. tank [ tANk ] 音“坦克”Can you keep silent when foreign tanks run wild in your home?当外国坦克在你的家园里横冲直撞时,你能保持沉默吗?
13. tanker [ 5tANkE ] n. 油轮 The tanker carrying oil to China often sails through the straits. 装油到中国去的油轮经常驶过这海峡。
14. typhoon [ tai5fu:n ] 音“台风”The typhoon is a kind of strong and destructive wind. 台风是一种毁灭性的强风。
15. tyre [ 5taiE] 音“胎“, 轮胎 We can’t go now, for one of the tyres has burst. 我们现在不能去,因为其中一个车胎爆了。
16. laser [ 5leizE ] 音“镭射”, 镭射,激光 The laser is widely used in medicine. 激光在医学中使用很广泛。

The technology would be similar to that used to clone animals.


Synthesize gene and clone the object gene into suitable vector.


Why would you clone someone?


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    发布人:19960423  发布时间:发布时间:2011-07-06 13:21:29

    联想方式:c克 隆long ----- lone记忆方法:克隆把long的g改为e



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