高中选修七 Unit1

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politics 音标:['pɒlətɪks]

n. 政治, 政治学, 政见, 政治活动【法】 政治, 政治学, 政纲
谐音:跑了他可是 跑了他可是没人教政治了。
联想方式:poli[拼音]破例,t[形似]七,ic IC卡,s美女
词根词缀记忆法:politics n 政治(polit+ics),polic,polis, polit=state, city,表示“国家,城市”
1. police [ pE5li:s] n. 警察 The police are authorized to use force when necessary.警察得到授权在必要时使用武力。注意:police是复数名词。
2. policeman [pE5li:smEn] n. 警察 When in trouble, please turn to a policeman.有困难找警察。
3. cop [ kCp] n. 警察(口语) A cop will stop you if you drive through a red light.如果你开车闯红灯,警察会来抓你。
4. policy [ 5pClisi ] n. 政策, 方针 Only good policy can ensure the farmers are willing to do the farming. 只有好的政策才能保证农民愿意种地。
5. politics [ 5pClitiks ] n. 政治, 政治学 It’s every person’s duty to join in politics.每个人都有责任参与政治。
6. political [ pE5litikEl ] adj. 政治的, 行政上的 Because of political reasons, Karl Marx had to move again to London.因为政治原因,卡尔•马克思不得不又搬家到了伦敦。
7. statesman [ 5steitsmEn] n. 政治家 It’s not easy to become a statesman. If you have no gift for acting, you’d better keep off.要成为政治家可不容易。如果你没有表演的天赋,最好别这样想。
8. left-wing [`leftwIN] 左翼 The left-wing party often cares more about the working people.左翼政党通常对劳动者考虑多一些。
9. right-wing [`raItwIN] 右翼 The right-wing parties are often not so friendly to their neighbours.右翼政党对邻居常常没有那么友好。
10. party [ 5pB:ti ] n. 党, 政党 A party of people will climb the mount.有一群人要爬山。
11. polite [ pE5lait] adj. 有礼貌的 It’s polite of him to greet us.他问候我们,很有礼貌。
12. impolite [ impE5lait ] adj. 没有礼貌的 No impolite kid can go with us.没有礼貌的孩子不能跟我们去。
You’d better not call them cops! We should be polite to the police who keep everything in order. The policeman carries out the policy. But they are not always connected with politics.

Yes, it's a hackneyed phrase, but politics is the art of the possible.


My wife is indifferent to politics news.


The most notable monkey in world politics is Ban.


One can't separate politics from economics.


※We need in politics man who have something to give, not men who have something to get.——Bernard Baruch, Averican economist  在政治中我们需要能有所奉献的人,而不是想有所收获的人。美国经济学家 巴鲁克.B.
※All politics are based on the indifference of the majority.——James Reston, Amreican editor  一切政治都是建筑在绝大多数的人冷漠的基础上的。美国编辑 赖斯顿。J。  
※There is a holy, mistaken zeal in politics , as well as religion, by per-suading others we convince.——Junius ,Unidentified letter weiter  政治和宗教都存在着一种神圣的、错误的热情:在诱劝别人相信我们所相信的东西。国籍不明的书信代理人 朱尼厄斯  
※War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means.——karl von Clausewitz. Drussian general  战争不过是政治的继续,外加一些别的手段。普鲁士将军 克劳塞威茨 . K
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    发布人:15859919713  发布时间:发布时间:2012-01-25 14:51:13

    联想方式:poli:魄力 ti‘c:提出 s:想法记忆方法:一个很有魄力的政治家提出了自己的想法

    支持(4) 反对(0)

    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:44



栏    目:高中选修七 Unit1







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