高中选修七 Unit1

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architect 音标:['ɑ:kitekt]

n. 建筑师, 设计者, 缔造者
谐音:阿哥抬过它 身为建筑师的阿哥抬过它——水泥。
联想方式:a[形似]小姑娘,r[形似]花,chi[拼音]吃,te[拼音]特,ct CT机
词根词缀记忆法:architect建筑师(archi+tect做→统治〔造房〕的人→建筑师),arch, archy=ruler, rule, chief, 表示“统治者,统治,主要的”
词根词缀记忆法:architect n 建筑师,arch=chief (主要的)
1. build [ bild ] n. 建造, 建筑 n. 构造, 体格, 体形 We are building a strong country in a peaceful and win-win way. 我们正在以和平的、双赢的方式建议一个强大的国家。
2. 加名词后缀-ing, building n. 建筑物 No random building is allowed in a modern city. 在一个现代城市不允许有胡乱的建筑。
3. brick n. 砖 When heated to a certain degree, the clay will turn into bricks. 加热到一定程度后,粘土就变成了砖。
4. wall n. 墙 A wall may mean separation from outside. 墙可能象征着与外界的隔离。
5. house n. 房子 Every civilian wants to have his own house. 每个平民都想拥有自己的房子。
6. bungalow A small house or cottage usually having a single story and sometimes an additional attic story n.(带走廊的)平房 Bungalows can be found in the countryside. 乡下能看到平房。
7. sky天空; crape,擦;skyscraper 擦着天空的,n. 摩天大楼 Skyscrapers are grandiose as well as potentially dangerous. 摩天大楼既很壮观,但又潜藏着危险。
8. palace n. 宫殿 The children palace offers some art courses. 少年宫里开设有各种艺术课程。
9. flat adj. 平坦的, 扁平的 n. 平面, 公寓 We live in a flat in the school. 我们住在学校公寓里。
10. suite n. (一套)家具, 套房 He bought a second-hand suite near the bank. 他在河边买了一套二手房。
11. block n. 块, 街区, vt. 妨碍, 阻塞 A huge block of stone blocked the highway yesterday. 昨天一块巨石阻塞了公路。
12. construct vt. 建设,构建 We are constructing our hometown into a rich and beautiful place. 我们正把我们的家乡建设成为一个富饶美丽的地方。
13. 加名词后缀-ion, construction n. 建设 The new spacious square is under construction. 新的宽阔的广场正在修建之中。
14. body-building n. 健身 He often goes to the body-building center. 他常到健身中心去。
15. architect n. 建筑师 I think it is a wise decision to be an architect. 我认为他要做建筑师的决定是明智的。
16. architecture n. 建筑, 建筑学 I will study architecture so that I can design modern buildings to make the city more charming. 我要学建筑,我要设计现代化的大楼,让这座城市更有魅力。
No brick, no wall; no wall, no flat; no flat, no block. Skyscrapers are the far higher buildings than common houses and palaces are the buildings designed mainly for kings and queen in the past, the construction of which costs too much.

The architect imagines the house that his client wants to build.

Goethe would probably add that a good architect needs to be a composer, as well.


They commissioned an architect to design the new library.


The new building was built from the design of a famous architect.


※Each man is the architect of his own fate. 命运掌握在自己手中。
※Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 每个人都是他自己命运的建诛师。
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