九年级全册 Unit15

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roof 音标:[ru:f]

n. 屋顶, 室顶vt. 给...盖屋顶, 遮蔽【医】 室顶, 盖相关词组: no roof over one's head hit the roof raise the roof
分析: roof――房间(room)的近似拼写; f――外形像拐杖;

联想方式:roof~ room f拐杖
1. ceil [ si:l ] vt. 装天花板 The rooms have all been ceiled beautifully. 这些房间装上了漂亮的天花板。
2. 加名词后缀-ing: ceiling n. 天花板 I suggest hanging a basket of flowers from the ceiling.我建议从天花板上吊一篮花草。
3. roof f, 飞,房子上可以起飞的地方,房顶 Helicopters can land on the roof.直升飞机可以停靠在房顶上。
4. top n. 顶部 You can see far away at the top of the tower. 在塔顶上你可以眺望远方。
5. tip The end of a pointed or projecting object n. 顶, 尖端, 梢, 小费,提示, 技巧 vt.使倾斜, 暗示 给小费 As the waiter offered a tip that I could hang the apple from the other tip of the stick, I gave him more tips when I left. 服务员提示我可以把苹果挂在棍子的另一端,我走的时候就多给了他一点消费表示感谢。
6. bottom n. 底部(联想base)At the bottom of the ocean there is also a rich world of biology. 大洋底部也有一个丰富的生物世界。
7. cotton n. 棉花(联想clothes) These days people’s passion for natural cotton has returned. 这些日子人们又对天然棉花有了热情。
8. floor n. 地板,楼层 How many floors does that skyscraper have? 那栋摩天大楼有多少层楼?
9. storey n. 楼层(上下地板的空间)Our office is in the 10th storey. 我们的办公室在十楼。
The man in cotton clothes went upstairs from the bottom to the fifth floor. He couldn’t find anything with a sharp tip hanging from the ceiling. As no one could help him in this storey, he went on to the top of the house. Standing on the roof, he couldn’t help feeling a little sad.
N-COUNT. (外部的)屋顶. A rooftop is the outside part of the roof of a building.

He would not offer a churlish roof to his visitors.


The pillars sustain the roof of the pit.


The roof of this house is red.


※A flow of words is no proof of wisdom. 口若悬河不能作为才智的证明。
※The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 空谈不如实验。(实践出真知)
※To be angry with a weak man is a proof that you are not very strong yourself. 对弱者发脾气证明你自己并不很强。
※It is the final proof of God's omnipltence that he need not exist in order to save us.——Peter De Vires, American novelist  最终证明上帝是万能的,那就是他不必为了拯救我们而存在。美国小说家 德夫里斯.P。  
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