九年级全册 Unit15

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society 音标:[sə'saiəti]

谐音:嫂嫂爱提 嫂嫂爱提他的社会经验。
词根词缀记忆法:society n 社会,社团,Soc=companion,表示“同伴”,引申为“社会”
记忆: 词根soci表示结合,社交
1. social [ 5sEuFEl] adj. 社会的, 爱交际的, 社交的 Poverty is a social problem which can not be solved by donation.贫穷是个捐款解决不了的社会问题。
2. socialist [ 5sEuFElist ] n. 社会主义者 adj. 社会主义的 The advantages of the socialist society haven’t been fully realized.社会主义社会的优势还没有得到充分的体现。
3. socialism [ 5sEuFElizEm ] n. 社会主义 China is at the stage of junior socialism.中国处在社会主义初级阶段。
4. society [ sE5saiEti ] n.社会 A class is a small society. 班级就是一个小社会。
5. associate [ E5sEuFieit ] as-soci-ate vt. 使发生联系, 使联合 vi. 交往, 结交 No one associated the scandal with Mr. Bush.没有人把这件丑闻和布什先生联系起来。
6. association [ E7sEusi5eiFEn ] n .协会, 联合, 结交, 联想 Anyone is welcome to join the association as long as he really loves peace.只要热爱和平的人都欢迎加入这个协会。
5. capital [ 5kApitEl ] n. 首都, 首府, 大写字母, 资本, 资金, 资产 A large sum of capital will be invested in this eco-plantation.一大笔资金将投注到这个生态园里。
6. capitalism [ 5kApitElizEm ] n. 资本主义 We can learn the advanced things from the western capitalism.我们可以从西方资本主义里学到先进的东西。
7. capitalist [ 5kApitElist ] n. 资本家, 资本主义者 adj. 资本主义的 Market economy doesn’t belong to the capitalists only.市场经济不仅仅是属于资本家。
There are also social problems in the capital. In the society, people set up different associations for socialism or capitalism. They are associated with socialist or capitalist. Sometimes they argue heatedly.

In Chinese society shame operates as the principal sanction.


Is it sinning against society to marry very early.


Honesty is a healthy and harmonious society must establish social rules.


The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.


It will be a danger to society.


※The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . (Franklin Roosevelt , American President )——人经过努力可以改变世界,这种努力可以使人类达到新的、更美好的境界。没有人仅凭闭目、不看社会现实就能割断自己与社会的联系。他必须敏感,随时准备接受新鲜事物;他必须有勇气与能力去面对新的事实,解决新问题。(美国总统 罗斯福建. F.)  "
※The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . (Franklin Roosevelt , American President )——人经过努力可以改变世界,这种努力可以使人类达到新的、更美好的境界。没有人仅凭闭目、不看社会现实就能割断自己与社会的联系。他必须敏感,随时准备接受新鲜事物;他必须有勇气与能力去面对新的事实,解决新问题。(美国总统 罗斯福建. F.)  
※Differences-----both real and  imagined ---- are invariably exaggerated in the media and in society as a whole.American writer差别——不管是真实的还是主观想象的——总是被传媒和社会夸大。美国作家   里奥.D.M. "
※The future of society is in the hands of mothers; if the world was lost through woman she alone can save it. 社会的前途掌握在母亲们手中;如果世界由于女人而毁灭,那么也只有女人才可挽救。
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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:42



栏    目:九年级全册 Unit15







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