三年级上册 Unit3

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foot 音标:[fʊt]

n. 脚, 步调, 英尺, 底部, 末尾, 步兵vt. 走在...上, 给...换底, 支付vi. 跳舞, 步行, 总计【医】 足; 英尺相关词组: on foot under foot have one foot in the grave put a foot wrong put one's best foot forward put one's foot up pull foot put one's foot in it set foot on... set foot in...

  • foot it的意思与用法

    foot it的意思与用法

    foot it 为口语惯用语,其意为“步行”,相当于 walk,也就是 not travel by bus, etc 的意思。如:
    He’ll have to foot it. 他将只好步行去。
    The last train has gone. We’ll have to foot it. 最后一班车已经开了,我们得走回去了。
    He walked in and I hotfooted it out the back door.他走了进来,而我从后门溜了出去。
    英语中还有一个类似习语,就是hotfoot it,也主要用于口语,其意为walk or run hurriedly and eagerly,可译为“急走”“急跑”。如:
    a group of actors hot-footing it for the bar.一群急匆匆赶往酒吧的演员
    I hotfooted it out of there as soon as possible.我急忙离开了那里。

1. shoe [ Fu: ] n. 鞋, 鞋子 The shoes fit me quite well, and the colour suits me too, I think. 这鞋子大小很适合我,而且颜色也适合我。
2. sneakers [ 5sni:kiN] n. 运动鞋 Put on your sneakers before running. 跑前先穿上运动鞋。
3. sock [ sCk] n. 短袜 I bought a pair of nylon socks just now. 我刚才买了一双尼龙短袜。
4. stocking [ 5stCkiN ] n. 长袜 The new stockings are comfortable to wear.新长袜穿上很舒服。
5. toe [ tEu ] n. 趾, 脚趾, 足尖 He toes out of the classroom. 他踮着脚出了教室。
6. foot [ fut ] n. 足, 底部 I have a bike, but I prefer to go to school on foot. 我有自行车,但我更喜欢走路去上学。
7. boot [ bu:t ] n. (长统)靴, 靴子 v. 引导 The soldiers were all in boots. 士兵们都穿着靴子。
8. ankle [ 5ANkl] n. 踝 My left ankle hurts!我的左踝痛!
9. leg [ le^ ] n. 腿, 旅程的一段 He doesn't have a leg to stand on in this discussion. 在这次讨论中,他完全站不住脚
10. trousers [5traJzEz] n. 裤子, 长裤 The boy in blue trousers in my closest friend. 那个穿蓝色长裤的男子是我最密切的朋友。
11. jeans [dVi:ns] n. 牛仔裤 Some people think jeans make them handsome.一些人以为牛仔裤使他们英俊。
12. pants [ pAnts ] n. 裤子, 短裤 We are often in pants in summer. 我们在夏天常穿短裤。
Pulled on the socks/stockings, he found his toes were still out. He didn’t care. After all, the shoes could hold them all. Then he found the boots hurting his feet, and he could still bear it. When he found the trousers over his legs couldn’t cover his ankles, he couldn’t stand it any more!

Her foot size is appropriate to the glass shoe.

I got a wound on my foot in a fight.

He has recovered well from his foot injury.

Cat's foot bottom has the fat nature meat pad, thus walks silently.


Terry can't participate in the match because he has hurt his foot.


※A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe. 身正不怕影子斜。
※A ganging fit is aye getting./ A going foot is always getting. 腿勤生财


栏    目:三年级上册 Unit3





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