三年级上册 Unit3

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栏目:三年级上册 Unit3|点击:
hand 音标:[hænd]

n. 手, 爪, 指针, 掌握, 协助, 人手, 手艺, 手迹, 支配, 插手vt. 交给, 支持, 搀扶【医】 手相关词组: cross sb's hand force sb's hand from hand to hand from hand to mouth give one's hand to sb give sb a hand give sb a free hand grease the hand of hand and foot bind sb hand and foot hand sth in hand in glove with hand in hand hand it to sb hand sth on hand over fist hand over hand hand to fist hand to hand have a hand in have an open hand have to hand it to someone hold one's hand in hand put sth in hand keep a firm hand on keep a slack hand kiss one's hand to lend a hand lend a hand in doing sth lift one's hand light in hand not lift a hand offer one's hand off hand put one's right hand to the work on hand on the mending hand on the one hand...on the other hand on the one hand on the other hand out of hand deal with sth out of hand play a lone hand play for one's own hand set one's hand to shake sb's hand show one's hand strengthen sb's hand take in hand lose the upper hand throw in one's hand tip one's hand to hand turn one's hand to with a bold hand with a firm hand with a free hand with a heavy hand with a high hand with an iron hand with an iron hand in a velvet glove with a strong hand have a hand in sth on every hand hand sb a blow at hand bear a hand by hand come to hand
分析:han— —“汗”的拼音;d— —“滴”拼音首字母;

分析:han— “汗”的拼音;d— “滴”拼音首字母;

  • hands up/ put up one's hand

    Ⅰ. hands up 是一句祈使语气的口语,相当于Put up your arms over your head! “举起手来!”如:

    ① “Hands up, or I’ll shoot.” The policeman demanded the robber. “举起手来,不然我开枪了。”警察命令抢劫犯。

    Ⅱ. put up one’s hand 意思与hands up 相同。但语气要弱得多。如:

    ① Who knows the answer? Hands up / Put up your hands, please. 谁知道这个答案?请举手。

    ② Put up your hands if you have any question.如有问题请举手。

1. hand [ hAnd ] n. 手 Don’t worry. I have two hundred yuan at hand.别担心。有手上有两百元钱。 格言:Many hands makes light work. 人多好办事。
2. handsome [ 5hAnsEm] adj. 英俊的, 大方的 The boy is so handsome that he attracts many girls’ eyes in the street. 这男孩很英俊,在大街上他吸引了众多女孩的目光。
3. handle [ 5hAndl ] n. 柄, 把手 vt. 触摸, 买卖, 处理 Hold the handle and turn, then the door will open. 握信把手转动,门就会开了。
4. handful [ 5hAndful] n. 一把, 少数 Only a handful of people took part in the attack.只有少数人参加了这场攻击。
5. handy [ 5hAndi] adj. 手边的, 就近的, 唾手可得的 Have you got your identity card handy?你是不是已把身份证取出放在手边了?
6. handkerchief [ 5hANkEtFi:f ] n. 手帕 A nice handkerchief can make you more handsome. 一张漂亮的手帕会使你更潇洒。
The handsome boy held up a handkerchief in his left hand. As the necessary tools were all handy, he was able to handle the noisy machine.

The couple walked hand in hand into the church at their wedding.

To hold someone's hand is a sign of love.

I swear I'll chop off my hand if I go e-shopping again!

I hurt my hand so I wrapped it in a bandage.

He dried his hands with a towel.


※A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it. 只有逻辑的头脑象只有刃的刀,它会割破使用它的手。
※A clean hand wants no washing. 身正不怕影子斜。
※A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。
※Be prepared to put one's hand in one's pocket. 准备慷慨解囊。


栏    目:三年级上册 Unit3





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