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the former ... the latter句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分...,former,latter,单词记忆法、语法用法,与former,latter, 相关例句、名人名言

the former ... the latter 句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型句法,怎么用什么意思[1]latter单词记忆法

Dogs are more faithful animals than cats; these attach themselves to places, and those to persons. [2]more,than,相关知识点
much more…than和many more…than的用法区别[1]区别,用法,相关知识点知识点1:every和each的用法区别[1]every单词记忆法◆记忆方法一:联想方式:eve(前夕)+ry(容易)每个圣诞节前夕孩子们都容易兴奋不已。◆记忆方法二:联想方式:eve(前夕)+ry(容易)记忆方法:每个圣诞节前夕孩子们都容易兴奋不已。查看详情>>两者都有&ldquo查看详情>>



a. 从前的, 前者的n. 起形成作用的人(或物), 模型, 样板【医】 成形器相关词组: the former

谐音:抚摸 抚摸从前的照片。
联想方式:for—给 me—我 r —小草

a. 后者的, 较后的, 近来的相关词组: the latter in these latter days


There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the pen; and in the end the former is always conquered by the latter. 世界上只有两种力量∶刀和笔;而其结果,后者总是战胜前者。
The very remembrance of my former misfortune proves a new one to me .——Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish writer对于过去不幸的记忆,构成了新不幸。西班牙作家   塞万提斯  M
Now I have finished with all earthly business, and high time too. Yes, yes, my dear child ,——now comes deathFranz Lehar Composer of the former empire of Austria-Hungary是时候了,我的尘缘已尽。是的,是的,我亲爱的孩子,死亡来临了。奥匈帝国作曲家 莱哈尔  
If a jewel falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though dust should ascend to heaven, its former worthlessness will not be altered. (AL Jaber)——    宝石即使落在泥潭里,仍是一样可贵;尘土纵然扬到天上,还是没有价值。(贾比尔)
The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation, The hand is more important than the eye…The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.   Jacob Bronowski, writer of the former soviet Union——只有勇敢付诸于行动而不是瞻前顾后,才能掌握这个世界。手比眼睛更加重要……手是思想的利剑。   前苏联作家  布洛夫斯基 . J .
Art is the right hand of nature. The latter only gave us being, but the former made us men .Friedrich Schiller, German poet——艺术是自然的右手。自然只让我们存在,而艺术创造我们的人类。德国诗人  席勒 F
When you are skinning your customers , you should leave some skin on to grow so that you can skin them again.Nikita Khrushchev, Statsman of the former Soviet Union——如果你要剥客户的皮,你应当给他们留点皮,别剥光,让它长新皮,这样你下次还可以继续剥他们的皮。前苏联政治家   赫鲁晓夫 N

These are the faces of former presidents.

N-COUNT. (旧时的)姘妇,情妇,妾. In former times, a concubine was a woman who lived with and had a sexual relationship with a man of higher social rank without being married to him.

He was a former divinity student.



Art is the right hand of nature. The latter only gave us being, but the former made us men .Friedrich Schiller, German poet——艺术是自然的右手。自然只让我们存在,而艺术创造我们的人类。德国诗人  席勒 F

I have a Nokia and an iPhone, obviously, the latter is newer.

This latter point was of great importance.


《英语语法大全》在指出“有些语法学家把非限制性关系分句归类到同位语之中”的同时又提出了自己的观点:However, in this grammar we make a distinction between a noun phrase with its relative clause and apposition, the latter being primarily a relation between two noun phrases.(然而在这部语法书里,我们把带有关系分句的名词性短语与带有同位语的名词性短语区分开来,后者主要是两个名词短语之间的一种关系)。


上一篇: that/those of ... 句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型句法,怎么用什么意思什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

栏  目:句子成分

下一篇: one ..., the other ... 句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型句法,怎么用什么意思什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

本文标题:the former ... the latter 句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型句法,怎么用什么意思什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义




  • 1no exception...
    no exception ...句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型...
  • 2just as ... ...
    just as ... as ...句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么...
  • 3A is to B wh...
    A is to B what C is to D.句型结构分析语法讲解:...
  • 4What are you...
    What are you doing?句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什...
  • 5hardly ... w...
    hardly ... when ...句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什...
  • 6Are you ... ...
    Are you ... or ...?句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什...
  • 7Where is ......
    Where is ...?句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型句法,...
  • 8Provided/Pro...
    Provided/Providing (that) ....句型结构分析...
  • 9How many N a...
    How many N are there ...句型结构分析语法讲解:句...
  • 10no one ... b...
    no one ... but ...句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么...


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