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times the/my N ...句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型句法...,times,the,单词记忆法、语法用法,与times,the, 相关例句、名人名言

times the/my N ... 句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型句法,怎么用什么意思[1]time单词记忆法

The river is ten times the length of the Tamsui River. 这条河的长度是淡水河的十倍。

Holland has two-thirds the inhabitants of the state of New York, which is four times the size of Holland. 荷兰的居民是纽约州的三分之二,而纽约州却是荷兰的四倍大。


n. 时代, 境遇, 时报相关词组: before the times behind the times in times to come several times go with the times between times four times as long as... ahead of one's times at other times for old times' sake There are times when... many times move with the times three times the size of at the best of times ninety-nine times out of a hundred nine times out of ten ten times easier times without number abreast of the times at all times at times keep abreast of the times


art. 那


Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth. 失败十九次,坚持而不动,待到二十次,大事就成功。
A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times .A ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight.——Arthur Schopenhauer.Geman philosopher一定的忧愁、痛苦或烦恼,对每个人都是时时必需的。一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不会稳定,不能朝着目的地一直前进。德国哲学家  叔本华  A
Good times, bad times, there will always be advertising, In good times people want advertising; in bad times  they have to.Bruce Barton  British  economist管是繁荣时期还是萧条时期,广告总会存在。繁荣时,人们想做广告;萧条时,人们不得不做广告。英国经济学家  巴顿  B.
When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy. Conversely, in times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress.——Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker 欣逢喜事,与朋友分享其乐,喜上加喜。反之,身处逆境,情绪颓丧,向富有同情心的朋友倾诉愁苦才会减轻痛苦。美国思想家 爱默生.R.W.
Do all the good you can ,   By  all the means you can,  In all the ways you can,  In all the places you can ,  At all the times you can ,  To all the people you can,  As long as ever you can.  John  Weskley, British religious leader   尽可能地做一切好事,   尽可能地采取一切手段,   尽可能地利用一切方式,   尽可能地利用一切地方,   尽可能地利用一切时间,   尽可能地惠及一切人,   尽可能地持之以恒。   英国宗教领袖  韦斯利  . J

The thunderstorms are very severe; I've seen lightning countless times tonight.

This volcano erupts three times a day.

You have to visit Times Square when you get to New York.

例句: These two countries had three religious wars in twenty years .
这两个国家在 20 年里发生过三次宗教上的冲突。
例句: She is very religious and goes to church three times a week .

In times of prosperity money circulates quickly.



The horizon of life is broadened chiefly by the enlargement of the heart.——H.Black American writer生活的范围是随着心胸的开阔而变宽广的。美国作家   布莱克,H.
In war, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers.——Nerille Chamberlain,British prime minister 战争中只有输家,没有赢家,尽管双方不论哪一方均可能自称为胜利者。英国首相 张伯伦,N。
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be . We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing-grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.——Winston Churchill British prime minister 无论需要付出多大的代价,我们也要捍卫我们的岛国。我们要战斗在海滩,我们要战斗在登陆地带,我们要战斗在田野、街巷,我们要战斗在山冈、丘陵,我们决不投降。英国首相 丘吉尔, W。
Each man is the architect of his own fate. 命运掌握在自己手中。
Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 每个人都是他自己命运的建诛师。
Happiness is the interval between periods of unhappiness. 幸福是两段不幸福时期之间的间歇.
There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. 生和死都无法治,只有享受两者之间的间隔.
We should put aside and postpone all other reforms; that we  have but one task-----the istruction of the people, the diffusion of education, the ecourgement of science----on that day a great step will have then been taken in our rgenerion.Leon Gambetta, French educator——我 们应该把一切改革先放下。我们只有 一项任务,就是教育人民,普及知识、倡导科学。这一天到来之时,便是我们振国兴邦之日。法国教育  爱甘必大  L
It is better to fight for good than to rail at the ill. 与其抱怨,不如积善。
It is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill.——Alfreds Tennyson, Bitish writer与其责骂罪恶,不如伸张正义。英国作家  丁尼生


上一篇: times as ... as ... 句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型句法,怎么用什么意思什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

栏  目:句子成分

下一篇: more than ... as ... as 句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型句法,怎么用什么意思什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

本文标题:times the/my N ... 句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型句法,怎么用什么意思什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义




  • 1just as ... ...
    just as ... as ...句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么...
  • 2no exception...
    no exception ...句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型...
  • 3I am only to...
    I am only too ... to ...句型结构分析语法讲解:句...
  • 4What are you...
    What are you doing?句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什...
  • 5Where is ......
    Where is ...?句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型句法,...
  • 6A is to B wh...
    A is to B what C is to D.句型结构分析语法讲解:...
  • 7It is better...
    It is better to V1 than V2句型结构分析语法讲解...
  • 8hardly ... w...
    hardly ... when ...句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什...
  • 9Are you ... ...
    Are you ... or ...?句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什...
  • 10no one ... b...
    no one ... but ...句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么...


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