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kind在这种句式中应作为主语,如果讲Those kinds of books ...,very good,those,book,单词记忆法、语法用法,与very good,those,book, 相关例句、名人名言

kind在这种句式中应作为主语,如果讲Those kinds of books are very good. 则是正确的。[1]句式,主语,相关知识点
there be句式的主语可以特指吗[1]there单词记忆法◆记忆方法一:联想方式:t-天;here-很热那儿天气很热◆记忆方法二:联想方式:t-天;here-很热记忆方法:那儿天气很热查看详情>>there be句式的主语可以特指吗there be结构中的主语一般皆指不确定的事物,不专指特定的某一或某些事物,但有时也有例外,请看下面一些例证:Xu said there wa查看详情>>

[误] This kind of books are not good.

[正] This kind of books is not good.

[析] kind在这种句式中应作为主语,如果讲Those kinds of books are very good. 则是正确的。[2]句式,主语,相关知识点
spend的主语特点以及相关句式[1]spend单词记忆法◆记忆方法一:分析:s --- 蛇 pen --- 钢笔 d --- 天(day)的首字母; 记忆方法:蛇在钢笔里面度过了一天◆记忆方法二:联想方式:sp(食品);end(最后)记忆方法:难民营的食品最后用尽了。查看详情>>They spent great efforts to help us. 他们查看详情>>

very good相关单词意思与记忆法:

very good单词意思解释释义:


pron. 那些相关词组: in those days


n. 书, 书籍, 帐簿, 名册, 工作簿vt. 登记, 预订vi. 登记, 预订【计】 工作簿【经】 帐本, 注册, 挂号; 登记入册, 预定相关词组: suit sb's book throw the book at... without book throw the book at someone book sth up take a leaf out of someone's book bring sb to book for sth by the book know like a book make book

book n.书(籍)v.预订
解析:bookworm书虫 booky a.嗜书的,书生气的

very good单词相关例句:

She was very good at her job, so her boss promoted her to a higher position.

ADJ-GRADED. 高级的;上等的;一流的;优质的. If you describe something as high-class, you mean that it is of very good quality or of superior social status.

I found a very good website that teaches me english every day !


ADJ. 一般;过得去;不好不坏. If you say that something is so-so, you mean that it is average in quality, rather than being very good or very bad.

The story of the Prodigal Son is a very good parable.


She has very good posture.


Paul's very good at conjuring.


I remember. there was an impudent mountebank who sold pills which(as he told the country people)were very good against an earthquake(Joseph Addison.


A very good rendering version, gorgeous!


It not only largely satisfied the consumers, but also got very good valuation from the market.



Action is the  last resource of those who know not how to dream.   Oscar Wilde, British dramatis   不善于想象的人一切乞求于行动。英国剧作家  王尔德  O .  
Miracels are to those who believe in them. 妖由人兴。
Thos who eat most are not always fattest; those who read most, not always wisest. 吃得最多的人不一定最肥胖,读书最多的人不一定最聪明。
Those who work deserve to eat; those who do not work deserve to starve. 劳动者该得食,不劳者该挨饿。
Disease of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body. 心灵上的疾病比肉体上的疾病更危险。
In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it. 对于害怕危险的人,这个世界上总是有危险的。
As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents.——O,Hare Noel, American writer 作为一个现代的父母,我很清楚重要的不是你给了孩子们多少物质的东西,而是你倾注在他们身上的关心和爱。关心的态度不仅能帮你省下一笔可观的钱,而且甚至能使你感到一份欣慰,因为你花钱不多并且给予了胜过礼物的关怀。美国作家 诺埃尔.O.
The laws of Nature, that is to say the laws of God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them , since the statutes furnish us peace, fairly good government and  stability, and therefore are better for us than the laws of God, which would soon  plunge us into confusion and disorder and anarchy if we should adopt them.Mark Twain, American  writer自然法即神灵法,只是用来约束每一个个体的法律,我们必须坚定地拒绝遵守。我们应该坚定地遵守忽视神灵法的规章制度,因为规章制度赋予我们和平、比较好的政府和稳定,因而对我们来说,规章制度比神灵法更好,因为如果我们采用神灵法的话,他会将我们陷入迷惑、无序和无政府状态。美国作家   马克·吐温A
The tragedy of the world is that those who are imaginative have but slight experience, and those who are experienced have feeble imaginations.  Alfred North Whitehead, British philosopher and nathematician——世界的悲剧就在于有想象力又缺乏经验,而有经验的人又缺乏想象力。   英国哲学家、数学家  怀特海  .A . N.
Our mightiest feeling are always those which remain most unspoken. 最强烈的总是那些最缄默的感情。

A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. 一本好书,莫逆之交。
A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change. 一本好书今天如此,将来也如此,永不改变。
A book that remains shut is but a block. 有书闭卷不阅读,无异是一块木头。
A wicked book is the wickeder because it cannot repent. 一本坏书危害无穷。
Judge not a book by its covers. 评价书不能看封面。
That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. 好书开卷引人入胜,闭卷使人得益。
Old wood is best to burn, old book to read. 老柴好烧,老书宜读。
Liberty and civilization are only fragments of rights wrung from the strong hands of wealth and book learning.——Wendel Dhillips. American Social reformer  自由和文明不过是从有钱人和读书人有力的手中强夺过来的一些权利的碎片。美国社会改革家菲利斯 .W.  
There is a great deal of difference between the eager man who wants to read a book, and the tired man who wants a book to read. 渴望求知的人需要读书,累得疲劳的人也需要书读,两种人的要求有很大的区别。

This book is full of the wisdom of Confucius.





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