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这里的school应看作不可数名词泛指学校的课程,即开学之意。要注意,有些活动场...,in hospital,at school,hospital,单词记忆法、语法用法,与in hospital,at school,hospital, 相关例句、名人名言

这里的school应看作不可数名词泛指学校的课程,即开学之意。要注意,有些活动场所当表达正在从事该种活动时不要加冠词,如:at table (吃饭), When I came to Tom's home, they were at table. 还有: at desk (学习),at work (工作) at school (上学), in hospital (住医院) at church 作礼拜如加上定冠词则另有他意,如:at the school 即在学校工作或办事,in the hospital 即在医院工作或去看望病人。[1]at work,table,相关知识点
英语中的at lunch为"在吃午饭时"。这种惯用法还有at work(在工作),at table(在吃饭),at desk(在学习)。而for lunch则是为午饭而准备的食物,又如:We had some milk for breakfast.[误] The children play football for lunch.[正] The children play foo查看详情>>

[误] The school will begin on September 1st.

[正] School will begin on September 1st.

[析] 这里的school应看作不可数名词泛指学校的课程,即开学之意。要注意,有些活动场所当表达正在从事该种活动时不要加冠词,如:at table (吃饭), When I came to Tom's home, they were at table. 还有: at desk (学习),at work (工作) at school (上学), in hospital (住医院) at church 作礼拜如加上定冠词则另有他意,如:at the school 即在学校工作或办事,in the hospital 即在医院工作或去看望病人。[2]不可数名词,可数名词,相关知识点
newspaper是可数名词还是不可数名词[1]可数,名词,相关知识点height用作名词时可数吗(3) 若强调不同人或事物的高度,可用复数形式。如:We saw some buildings of different heights. 我们看到一些高低不一的建筑。The table is available in several different heights. 这款桌子查看详情>>

in hospital相关单词意思与记忆法:

in hospital单词意思解释释义:

at school相关单词意思与记忆法:

at school单词意思解释释义:
在学校, 在上课, 在求学


n. 医院【医】 医院相关词组: be in hospital

分析:ho—“猴”的谐音 sp--薯片
it—它 al — all 所有的

记忆方法: 猴子把蛇劈开了,还把它送

词根词缀记忆法:hospital n 医院(客气对待病人的地方),hospit,host=guest,表示“客人”
词根词缀记忆法:hospital n 医院(hospit客人+al,病人是医院的客人),“al”表名词,“人,物,状态”
in hospital单词相关例句:

I just got a letter saying my sister is in hospital with meningitis .


He will be better off in hospital


His mother is in hospital and he has been in the hospital to take care of her.
His mother is in hospital and he has been in the hospital to take care of her.
He was in hospital for six weeks during the summer. 他在夏天住了 6 个星期的医院。
He was in hospital for six weeks during the summer. 他在夏天住了6个星期的医院。
He was in hospital for six weeks during the summer. 他在夏天住了 6 个星期的医院。
We ought to go and see my mother in hospital tomorrow, but I don’t think we will. 我们按理应当在明天去看看住院的母亲的,但我主认为我们不会去。
He is expected to remain in hospital for several more days. 他还需在医院多住几天。
He was in hospital for six weeks during the summer. 他在夏天住了 6 个星期的医院。  
at school单词相关例句:

All the kids at school teased him for being different.

N-UNCOUNT. 学校寄宿(制). Boarding is an arrangement by which children live at school during the school term.
If I were at school again, I would study better.
= Were I at school again, I would study better.
—Must I stay at school this afternoon? —Yes, you must. / No, you needn't (don't have to).
I found it interesting being back at school again. 我发现再次回到学校很有意思。
I found it interesting being back at school again. 我发现再次回到学校很有意思。
I found it interesting being back at school again.我发现再次回到学校很有意思。
be back 与 come (go) back 均可表示“回来”,前者侧重指“回来”的状态,后者侧重指“回来”的动作。用be back 表示“回到……”,通常接 at, in 之类的介词,一般不用to:be back at school 返回学校 / be back in China 返回中国。然而,用come (go) back时,却通常要用to:come back to school (China) 回到学校(中国)
Ann, whose children are at school all day, is trying to get a job. 安的孩子们整天都在学校,所以她在想办法找份工作。

The patient was taken to the hospital for treatment.

It's an emergency: get her to the hospital as soon as possible.

The hospital staff drugged her.


The hospital is opposite the museum.


The hospital has no decent equipment.


N-COUNT. 手术室. An operating theatre is a special room in a hospital where surgeons carry out medical operations.

The old man was sent to the hospital by an ambulance.


N-COUNT. 急诊室(缩略形式为ER). The emergency room is the room or department in a hospital where people who have severe injuries or sudden illnesses are taken for emergency treatment. The abbreviation ER is often used.

She complained of stiffness in her joints. Accordingly she was admitted to hospital for further tests.


He endowed the hospital with half his fortune.



上一篇: 可以说the English吗什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

栏  目:冠词用法

下一篇: 形容词+定冠词表示一类人,谓语动词应用复数,如: The young are very interested in study and sports什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

本文标题:这里的school应看作不可数名词泛指学校的课程,即开学之意。要注意,有些活动场所当表达正在从事该种活动时不要加冠词,如:at table (吃饭), When I came to Tom's home, they were at table. 还有: at desk (学习),at work (工作) at school (上学), in hospital (住医院) at church 作礼拜如加上定冠词则另有他意,如:at the school 即在学校工作或办事,in the hospital 即在医院工作或去看望病人。什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义



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