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“数词+more”与“another+数词”,another,more,单词记忆法、语法用法,与another,more, 相关例句、名人名言


1. 当其中的数词为one时,我们可以说one more,但一般不用another one。如:
He decided to have one more try. 他决定再试一次。
Surely you can put it off one more week. 肯定你可以把它再推迟一个礼拜。
I was wondering if I must ask you one more question. 我不知道我是不是还需要再向你提一个问题。
在意义上该用another one的地方,英语通常只用another。如:[2]other单词记忆法

She’s going to have another baby. 她又快有孩子了。
It’s cold I need another blanket. 太冷了——我再要一条毯子。
不过,如果其中的one不是数词,而是代词,则可以用another one。如:
This pen doesn’t work. I must buy another one. 这支钢笔坏了。我该另买一支了。
Your car, which I noticed outside, has been hit by another one. 我在外面看见你的汽车了,它给另一辆车撞了。
If you children closed up a bit there’d be room for another one on this seat. 你们几个孩子要是挤一挤,这座位上还能加一个人。[3]children单词记忆法
◆记忆方法一:联想方式:chi:吃 ld:一根笛子 ren:人吃着一根笛子的那群人就是孩子们◆记忆方法二:联想方式:chi:吃 ld:一根笛子 ren:人记忆方法:吃着一根笛子的那群人就是孩子们查看详情>>

即使其中的one不是数词而是代词,英语也通常省略another one中的one。如:
I didn’t like the red skirt, so I asked to see another (one). 我不喜欢那条红裙子,所以我要求看另外一条。
2. 当其中的数词为few时,英语可以说another few。如:
I’m staying for another few weeks. 我还要再呆几个星期。
I need another few days before l can make up my mind. 我还需几天才能决定。
对于more而言,英语通常的搭配是a few more。如:
I advise waiting a few more days. 我建议再等几天。
Wet weather may continue for a few more days. 多雨的天气可能还要持续好几天。


a. 另外的, 再一的, 不同的pron. 又一个, 另一个, 类似的另一个相关词组: one another one after another


n. 更多a. 多的, 程度较大的, 更大的ad. 多, 更多, 进一步【计】 DOS外部命令:显示满屏后自动暂停, 并显示:"--More--", 按任意键继续相关词组: all the more do more harm than good more brave than wise more in name than in reality more and more more or less much more neither more nor less than never more no more no more than not more than the more the more...the more... more A than B any more more than


There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet ,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye.——Norman Stephens ,American writer在惊慌乱逃的人群中,总有第一个勇敢者冲出,停下来扶人站起,在风暴中闪出自己的亮眼。英雄的素质铸成于转瞬之间的危难之中。美国作家   斯蒂芬斯.N.
One man makes a chair and another man sits in it. 坐享其成。
One man may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge. 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。
Husbands and wives in the process of divorce (and those in the throes of another argument )easily fall into the trap of denigraging the other, publicly if possible, and as often as possible.——Howards Mel, American writer 正在闹离婚的(包括那些处于吵闹不停的痛楚中的)夫妻们很容易陷在对方的泥沼中不能自拔, 这种诋毁是尽可能公开的,尽量频繁地进行。美国作家 梅尔.H. "
One sows another reaps. 不劳而获。
How differences between men and women might be used for our mu-tual benefit in everything from our relation with one another to a better undrestanding of how our brains work.——Delia M.Rios .American writer男女间的差异在各方面——从人际关系到加深对脑力工作方式的理解——使双方都受益。美国作家   里奥斯.D.M.

No, this shoe doesn't fit. Let me try another one.

Waiter, another beer please.

One player hits the baseball that was thrown by another player.

We don't want another political speech - we want action!


Comparison, more than reality, makes men happy or wretched.——Thomas Fuller, American inventor使人高兴的或者沮丧的,与其说是事实,还不如说是攀比。美国发明家  富勒  T
A valiant man's look is more than a coward's sword. 勇士的神色胜过懦夫的刀剑。
Many words cut (or hurt) more than swords. 恶语伤人胜刀见。
Bite off more than one can chew. 贪多咽不下。
A state which dwarfs its men ,in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished.——John Stuart Mill, British economist  一个政府压制它的人民,以使他们成为自己手中的驯服工具——即便是为了正当的目的——它也会发现,靠受压制的人是不可能真正成就什么大事的。英国经济学家 穆勒J.S.  
Disease of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body. 心灵上的疾病比肉体上的疾病更危险。
An upright judge has more regard to justice than to men. 正直的法官重法胜于重人。
A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer. 一愚发问,七智结舌。
A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years. 愚者所问,智者难答。
Four eyes see more than two. 人多识广。


上一篇: 数字习语:at sixes and sevens什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

栏  目:数词用法

下一篇: 有关dozen与score的用法说明什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义




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