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whatever, whoever, whichever引导名词性从句,whichever,whatever,whoever,单词记忆法、语法用法,与whichever,whatever,whoever, 相关例句、名人名言

whatever, whoever, whichever引导名词性从句[1]名词性从句,名词,相关知识点
人称代词it除了可以指人指物之外,还可以表示“时间、天气、温度、距离、情况”等含义,此外还可以作“非人称代词”使用,替代作主语或者宾语的不定式、动名词或者名词性从句。It is very clear that the public want to know when these men can go into space.(很显然,公众想知道这些人什么时候能进入太空) We f查看详情>>

I’ll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去。
She can marry whoever she chooses. 她愿意嫁谁就嫁谁。
Whoever wants the book may have it. 任何人要这书都可拿去。
Whoever comes will be welcome. 谁来都欢迎。
Whoever you invite will be welcome. 任何你邀请的人都欢迎。[2]welcome单词记忆法
◆记忆方法一:分析:wel --- well 近似,”好”的意;come ---来 记忆方法:最好是你来,因为你很受欢迎。◆记忆方法二:联想方式:we(我们)+l(1)+come(来)记忆方法:我们一来到中国,很多朋友就夹道欢迎。查看详情>>

Whoever breaks this law deserves a fine. 违反本法者应予以罚款。
I’ll give the ticket to whoever wants it. 请想要这票,我就把它给谁。
(1) whoever既用作主格也用作宾语(作宾语时不宜用whomever,因为在现代英语中whomever已几乎不用)。
(2) 注意以下受汉语意思影响而弄错的句子:
误:Who wins can get a prize. / Anyone wins can get a prize. [3]prize单词记忆法
◆记忆方法一:分析:pr --- “胖人”的拼音首字母; i --- 外形像烟; ze --- ―责‖的拼音; 记忆方法:有一个胖人在公共场所抽烟,我责备了他,为此我得到了奖金。◆记忆方法二:联想方式:pri批日;ze者记忆方法:批日(本)者都得到奖品查看详情>>

正:Whoever wins can get a prize. / Anyone who wins can a prize. 谁赢了都可以获奖。



pron. 无论那一个, 任何一个


pron. 无论什么

记忆方法: what+ever

pron. 任何人, 无论谁


In war, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers.——Nerille Chamberlain,British prime minister 战争中只有输家,没有赢家,尽管双方不论哪一方均可能自称为胜利者。英国首相 张伯伦,N。

I will have whichever drink is most delicious.

She'll buy whichever is cheapest.


I'll take whichever books you don't want. 你不要的任何书我都要。
You can pick whichever one you like. 你喜欢哪个就挑哪个。
They may vote in whichever district they choose. 他们可以在他们挑选的任何地区投票。
You can take whichever you like. 你爱拿哪个就拿哪个吧。
You can pick whichever one you like. 你喜欢哪个就挑哪个。
We’ll eat at whichever restaurant has a free table. 哪个饭馆有空桌我们就在哪儿吃吧。
You can pick whichever one you like. 你喜欢哪个就挑哪个。

We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be . We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing-grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.——Winston Churchill British prime minister 无论需要付出多大的代价,我们也要捍卫我们的岛国。我们要战斗在海滩,我们要战斗在登陆地带,我们要战斗在田野、街巷,我们要战斗在山冈、丘陵,我们决不投降。英国首相 丘吉尔, W。
The brotherly spirit of science , which unites into one family all its votaries of whatever grade ,and however widely dispersed throughout the different quarters of the globe.——Franklin Rosevelt, American president 科学的博爱精神把分散在世界各地、各种热心科学的人联结成一个大家庭。美国总统 罗斯。.F.
Politics, as a pracitice, whatever its professions , has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.——Adams Henry, American historian 政治作为一种实践,不管它如何表白,始终是有条不紊的煸动仇恨的组织。美国历史学家 享利.A.
The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame. 成功没有其它办法,只有好好工作而不存名利思想。
The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of time.——(成功之路没它,唯全力投入工作,而不稍存沽名钓誉之心。)
If Enterprise is afoot, wealth accumulates whatever may be happening to Thrift; and if Enterprise is asleep, wealth decays, whatever Thrift may be doing.John  Maynard  keynes British  economist如果企业在进展,不论节俭不节俭,财富也在衰落。国经济学家  凯恩斯 .J.M.
To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom .(Ronald Reagan , American President )——为了保住这最后的、最伟大的自由堡垒,我们必须尽我们所能。(美国总统 里根. R.)

My sister always sends me a postcard from whatever new country she visits.

Do whatever your program want to do in response to the debug event.


The predominant purpose is both the quest to the certainty, whatever sense confirmation it was.



Who gets the ball? Whoever jumps highest.


I asked a man who has a wife and three children who did the cooking in his house and he replied that whoever came home from work first did it. 我问一个有妻子和三个孩子的人,他家谁做饭,他回答说,谁先下班回来,谁就做饭。
He won't eat you, whoever he is. 不管他是谁,他也不能把你吃掉。(whoever = no matter who)
I’ll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去。
Give it to whoever you see in the meeting-room. 你在会议室里看见谁就把它给谁。
I won’t open the door, whoever you are. 不管你是谁,我都不会开门。
Tell whoever you like—it makes no difference to me. 你愿意告诉谁就告诉谁——对我来说都无所谓。
The film is about Celia Daniels, whoever that is. 那部电影是关于一个叫西莉亚·丹尼尔斯的人,也不知道他是个什么人。
The business would be a success, whoever owned it. 不论什么人经营,这生意都会成功。
He won't eat you, whoever he is. 不管他是谁,他也不能把你吃掉。(whoever = no matter who)


上一篇: 关系型 what引导名词性从句的五种用法什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

栏  目:名词性从句

下一篇: 使用名词性从句的两个注意点,学习名词性从句应注意的两个问题什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

本文标题:whatever, whoever, whichever引导名词性从句什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义





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