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含有less的固定搭配,never the less的用法,less用于构成比较...,less,单词记忆法、语法用法,与less, 相关例句、名人名言


The job was less than perfect. 这工作不十分理想。
The boys were less than happy about having a party. 开晚会男孩子并不很高兴。
■ less...than
1. 表示“不像(如)……”。如:
He is less honest than his brother. 他不如他哥哥聪明。[2]brother单词记忆法
◆记忆方法一:分析:谐音:“不拉着”。 记忆方法:不拉着兄弟去玩。◆记忆方法二:联想方式: br-(不如);other-(其他)记忆方法:他不如他其他的兄弟有出息。查看详情>>

This film is less interesting than that one. 这部电影不如那部电影有趣。
2. 表示“比……少”“不如……多”。如:
We drink less coffee than tea. 我们喝咖啡不如喝茶多。
We have less rainfall here than in Shanghai. 我们这儿的降雨量比上海少。
3. 表示“与其……不如……”。如:
I regard him less as my teacher than as my friend. 与其说我把他当作老师,不如说我是把他当作朋友。[3]teacher单词记忆法
◆记忆方法一:联想方式:tea(茶)+ch(厂)+er(人)我在茶厂碰到的人是我以前的老师。◆记忆方法二:分析:tea— 疼爱;cher—承认;记忆方法:喝茶的老师喜欢能承认错误的孩子。◆记忆方法三:联想方式:tea(茶)+ch(厂)+er(人)记忆方法:我在茶厂碰到的人是我以前的老师。查看详情>>

■ no less than
1. 表示“多达”“有……之多”,用于强调数量之多。如:
No less than a thousand people came. 来的人竟然有上千人之多。
He won no less than £5000 in the lottery. 他居然中了5000英镑的奖券。
2. 表示“简直”“与……没差别”。如:
It is no less than robbery to ask for so much. 要求多么多,简直跟抢劫没两样。[4]so much,than,相关知识点
not so much A as B和more A than B(1)not so much A as Bnot so much A as B是部分否定结构,意为“与其说是A,不如说是B”。 James is not so much a writer as a reporter.詹姆士与其说是作家,不如说是记者。 The Oceans do not so much divi查看详情>>

Sports wears, no less than suits, are very much saleable. 运动服和西服套一样,非常畅销。[5]very much,much,very,相关知识点
知识点1:very, much与very much的用法区别与辨析[1]用法,区别,相关知识点ought to的用法、注意及与相关词的区别二、ought to 后接动词所用形式根据不同情况ought to后可接不同的动词形式:1. 接动词原形用于谈论现在或将来的情况。(见上例)(2) 接进行式:用于谈论正在进行的事:You oughtn’t to be talking so m查看详情>>

3. 表示“原来就是”“正是”。如:
He was no less than the mayor. 他原来就是市长。
Good heavens! It’s no less a person than the president! 天哪!原来真是总统啊!一点儿不假。
■ no less...than
She is no less wise than you. 他跟你一样聪明(他并不比你笨)。
He is no less determined than you. 他的决心不亚于你。
A dolphin is no less a clever animal than a dog is. 海豚与狗同样都是聪明的动物。

知识点2:never the less的用法

nevertheless adv. 副词 仍然,不过,然而
例句1:She was angry; nevertheless, she listened to me . 她很生气,但还是听了我的话。
例句2:We can't act on your advice . Nevertheless , thank you forgiving it . 我们不能照你的建议去办。不过承蒙您提出来,十分感谢。


They want less passive ways of filling their time. 他们想找些更为积极的方式来打发时间。
Their dinner parties had become considerably less formal. 他们的晚餐会已经远不如以前正式。
The teacher had no patience with the less intelligent pupils. 那位老师对不太聪明的学生没有耐性。[6]teacher,with,相关知识点
真正的主语是 the teacher, 而 with 短语是伴随状态,不影响主语的数。[误] The teacher with a lot of students come into the classroom [正] The teacher with a lot of students comes into the classroom [析] 真正的主语是 the tea查看详情>>

People are becoming less tolerant of smoking these days. 如今人们对吸烟较为难以容忍了。
To shorten the lecture, the professor left out the less important parts. 为了缩短讲座时间,教授省略了那些不太重要的部分。
1. 用于单音节副词前。如:
Does it annoy you if others do things less well than you would, or don’t seem to try hard enough? 如果别人不如你能干,或者似乎不够努力,你会很生气吗?
Critics will point to other grand schemes that have gone less well, such as Sheffield’s World Student Games disaster. 批评家将会指出其他一些并不成功的大项目,比如谢菲尔德世界大学生运动会这一败笔。[7]have,gone,相关知识点
知识点1:have gone to 是到某地去了,此人现在不在这里。have been to 是到过某地,现在此人在说话现场。 [误] This is our new English teacher. He has gone to many foreign countries. [正] This is our new English teacher. He has been t查看详情>>


n. 较少, 较小a. 少的, 小的ad. 较少, 较小, 较差【计】 最低成本估算与调度法相关词组: no less than not less than less and less none the less less but better any the less in less than no time no less a person than


Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single  lovely action.   R.Lowell James, American poet and critic——人们生来就认识人世间所有美好的情感都不如一个高尚的行动显得更有力量。美国诗人、评论家  詹姆斯 R  
Speak less and listen more. 要少说多听。
Hear much, speak little./ Speak less and listen more. 少说多听.
Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself. 不要向不如你幸运的人述说你的幸福。
It is with narrow-minded people as with narrow-necked bottle; the less they  have in them the more  noise they make in pouring out. Alexandre Pope British poet——心胸狭隘的人就像小口瓶子;里面装的东西越少,倒出时的声音就越大。英国诗人  蒲伯,A.
If rich, it is easy enough to conceal our wealth, but, if poor, it is not so easy to conceal our poverty. We shall find it less difficult to hide a thousand guineas, than one hole in our coat.——Charles C. Colton, British clergyman  如果富有,藏富很容易;如果贫穷,掩饰贫穷却很难。我们不难发现隐藏1000个金币比遮盖衣服上的一个破洞来得容易。英国画妆师科尔顿.C.C  
More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。

It seems that every day I have less and less money.

My new flat screen TV takes up much less space.

You can now travel around the world in less than two days by plane.


上一篇: 使用as…as结构的七个要点,as…as结构的几点用法说明,as…as引导的状语从句中可以用一般现在时表示将来。什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

栏  目:比较等级

下一篇: 形容词和副词比较等级的不规则变化,形容词与副词的比较等级用法注意什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

本文标题:含有less的固定搭配,never the less的用法,less用于构成比较级,less用法的若干注意点什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义





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