三年级上册 Unit2

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green 音标:[gri:n]

n. 绿色, 绿色颜料a. 绿色的, 未成熟的, 新鲜的, 青春的, 无经验的, 脸色发青的【医】 绿相关词组: give the green light to sb in the green
分析:gr— “工人”的拼音首字母;

  • colour green中的colour是green的同位语,所以这种说话方式英语是可以接受的。

    [误] I like green colour.

    [正] I like green.

    [正] I like colour green.

    [析] colour green中的colour是green的同位语,所以这种说话方式英语是可以接受的。
1. blue [ blu: ] adj. 蓝色的, 忧郁的, 沮丧的 What’s wrong? You look blue today. 怎么啦?你今天闷闷不乐的。
2. red [ red ] n. 红色, 赤字, 亏空 adj. 红(色)的, 革命的 People worried as the budget was in red. 预算赤字,人们担心。
3. white n. 白色, 蛋白, 白种人 Mr. White likes to dress in white. 怀特先生喜欢身着白色衣服。
4. pale [ peil ] adj. 苍白的, 暗淡的, 无力的 No one listens to him, for his voice is pale. 他的声音苍白,没有人听他的。
5. yellow adj. 黄的 (心情, 脸色等)猜疑的, 妒忌的 [美]懦弱的, 卑怯的 He is too yellow to stand up and fight. 他太懦弱了,不会站起来反抗。
6. green adj. 绿色的, 未成熟的, 新鲜的, 精力旺盛的, 无经验的, 青春的 Sorry, but I’m a green hand here. 对不起,我是这儿的一名新手。
7. gray(grey) adj. 灰色的, 阴沉的 The gray sky will clear up. 阴沉的天空会晴朗开来。
8. brown [ braun ] adj. 褐色的, 棕色的 I have no appetite for the brown chocolate. 我对褐色的巧克力没有胃口。
9. purple adj. 紫色的, 华而不实的 帝王的, 刺激的 Purple is mysterious in Chinese culture. 在中国文化中,紫色是神秘的颜色。
10. pink adj. 粉红色的 She has passed the age for dressing in pink. 她已过了穿粉红色衣服的年龄。
11. color n. 颜色,v. 上色 Tom colored his fence white. 汤姆把栅栏涂成了白色。
12. 加形容词后缀-ful: colorful adj. 丰富多彩的 In order that you can live a colorful life, you need to change from time to time. 为了过上丰富多彩的生活,你时不时需要改变一下。
This is a really colorful world: snow white, seas blue; grass green, oranges yellow; ashes gray, eggplants purple; and blood red, soil brown. On the other hand, we should realize that there are still pale faces in the reality.
One day, Xiao Ming went to the countryside to visit his friend. When he got to a small bridge, he saw a man with a dog which looked very fierce. He asked the man, " Will your dog attack people?"
The man answered, " Fierce as my dog looks, it never attacks people."
Xiao Ming felt relaxed and began to went through the bridge. Just then, the dog jumped and bit him bitterly.
Xiao Ming turned very angry, " Didn't you say your dog never attacks?" he scolded the man.
"Yes, but this dog is not mine." the man replied coldly.

He decided to buy a green television because it looked cool.

I know the name of the green leaves.

The green light allows you to go.

The bananas are ripening when color is ranging from green to yellow.

pastel green


※Anger is a  wind which blows out the lamp of the mind. Robert Green Ingersoll, American lawyer——愤怒是扑灭心灵之灯的风。美国律师    英格索尔.R.G.
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    发布人:anyejingling20  发布时间:发布时间:2011-11-10 17:40:53

    联想方式:gr 工人 ee 两只眼睛 n弄记忆方法:他画画的时候把工人的两只眼睛弄成了绿色的。



栏    目:三年级上册 Unit2







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