高中必修四 Unit3

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mountainous 音标:['mauntənəs]

a. 多山的, 如山的, 巨大的
词根词缀记忆法:mountainous a 多山的;巨大的(mountain山+ous),mount=ascend,表示“登上”
词根词缀记忆法:mountainous a 多山的(mountain山),-ous表形容词,通常放在一个完整的单词后,表示“…的”
1. mount [ maunt ] n. 山 vi. 爬上, 增长 vt. 爬上 We mounted the Mount Emei last summer holiday.我们去年暑假爬上了峨嵋山。
2. mountain [ 5mauntin] M 联想山形,mountain, n. 山, 山脉 The huge waves came at us like mountains .巨浪象山一样扑来。
3. mountainous [ 5mauntinEs] adj. 多山的, 山一般的 My hometown lies in a mountainous area.我的家乡位于山区。
4. hill [ hil ] n. 小山, 丘陵, 斜坡, 山岗 We often compete to climb the west hill.我们经常比赛爬西山。
5. hilly [ 5hili ] adj. 多小山的 Our county is hilly.我国多山。
6. volcano [ vCl5keinEu ] n. 火山 The volcano is a threat to people living nearby.火山对住在附近的人来说是个威胁。
7. valley [`vAli] val-ley val, 空的;valley n. 山谷 Have you heard of the Red River Valley?你听说过《红河谷》吗?
8. steep [ sti:p ] adj. 陡峭的, 险峻的 The hillside is so steep that no one can climb to the top.山腰险峻,没有人能爬到山顶。
9. basin [ 5beisn ] n. 盆, 盆地 Sichuan Basin is rich in crops.四川盆地富产农作物。
10. plain [ plein ] n. 平原, 草原 adj. 简单的, 明白的, 平常的 How I wish to have a look at a plain in Inner Mongolia!我多希望看看内蒙古的大草原!
11. fountain [ 5fauntin ] f. 联想水不识好歹喷的样子,fountain, n. 泉水, 喷泉 A music fountain has just been completed in the Culture Square.一座音乐喷泉刚刚在文化广场建成。
My house lies in a hilly village at the edge of the Sichuan basin. Now people’s life has improved a lot. A music fountain has been set up there. The villagers are not content to stay at home. They travel outside to experience great mountains, deep valleys, and vast plains.

We were warned about the dangers of high elevation in the mountainous areas.

Switzerland is one of the most mountainous countries in the world.




栏    目:高中必修四 Unit3







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