八年级上册 Unit1

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junk 音标:[dʒʌŋk]

n. 垃圾, 乌七八糟的东西, 舢板【计】 清除【医】 骨折衬垫, 麻絮敷科【经】 便宜货, 假货, 旧货
1. clean [ kli:n] adj. 清洁的, 干净的, 清白的 v. 打扫 It’s our turn to clean the classroom today. 今天轮到我们打扫教室了。
2. tidy [ 5taidi] adj. 整洁的 vt. 弄整齐, 收拾, 整理 Don’t you think a tidy room is more pleasant to live in?你难道不认为整洁的房间住起来更舒适吗?
3. dirt [ dE:t] n. 污垢, 泥土 Where have you been? Your face is covered with dirt.你到哪里去来?脸上尽是灰。
4. dirty [ 5dE:ti ] adj. 肮脏的, 卑鄙的, 下流的 vt.弄脏 In no case should we use dirty words. 我们决不能使用脏话。
5. dust [ dQst] n. 灰尘, 尘土, 尘埃 vt. 掸掉...上的灰尘 The deserted house was covered with dust. 那座废弃了的房子蒙上了灰尘。
6. duster [ 5dQstE ] n. 掸子, 打扫灰尘的人 The table is dusty. Go and find a duster for me. 桌上有灰。去给我找把掸子来。
7. dusty [ 5dQsti] adj. 满是灰尘的 His dusty face amused everyone.他满是灰尘的脸把大家逗乐了。
8. dustbin [5dQstbIn] n.<英> 垃圾箱 Throw the waste into the dustbin, will you?把废物扔进垃圾箱,好吗?
9. garbage [ 5^B:bidV] n. 垃圾, 废物 ash can ,garbage can或garbage box<美>垃圾箱 The garbage can is used to store waste temporarily. 这垃圾箱用来暂时存放垃圾。
10. junk [ dVQNk] n. 垃圾, 舢板 The street full of junk is disgusting. 布满了垃圾的街道让人恶心。
11. waste [ weist ] n. 废物, 荒地 adj. 废弃的, 荒芜的 vt. 浪费 Never waste time regretting. 不要在后悔中浪费时间。
12. sweep [ swi:p ] v. 扫, 席卷, 掠过 Houses were down where the typhoon swept over. 台风过后,房屋倒地。
13. clear [ kliE] adj. 清楚的, 清晰的, 清澈的, 空旷的 n. 扫除, 清除 How I wish to see clean and clear water in the Fuhe river. 我多希望看到干净清凉的府河水!
14. clarify [ 5klArifai] vt. 澄清, 阐明 The result clarified his innocence. 事情的结果证明了他的无知。
15. explicit [ iks5plisit ] ex-plic-it plic = fold , explicit, 折出来的,Fully and clearly expressed; leaving nothing implied. adj. 清楚的, 直率的, 外在的 I don’t think his plan is explicit, is it?我认为他的计划并不清楚,你呢?
16. obvious [ 5CbviEs, -vjEs ] ob-vi-ous ob-, 向外;vi, 看;-ous, 形容词后缀,obvious, 外面可看到的, adj. 明显的, 显而易见的 It’ obvious that he told us a lie yesterday. 很显然他昨天对我们说了谎。
17. ambiguous [ 7Am5bi^juEs ] am-bi-gu-ous bi-, 含义为“二、两”,ambiguous,是am两bi个gu; Open to more than one interpretation adj.暧昧的, 不明确的 Don’t you think what he said is ambiguous? 你不认为他说的话很暧昧吗?
It’s clear that our faces need washing and cleaning every day as our rooms need sweeping and tidying. Otherwise, they will be dirty, full of dust. No one likes a street filled with waste or garbage, and similarly, no one likes a dusty face.

The consequence of eating too much junk food is getting fat.

Kids nowadays love to eat junk food every day.


There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that litter the floors.


His latest novel is junk.


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    发布人:cherry_8779_cn  发布时间:发布时间:2011-08-01 18:35:18

    联想方式:jun 军+k 口记忆方法:军人张口大喊“收破烂”



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