高中选修六 Unit2

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warmth 音标:[wɔ:mθ]

n. 温暖, 温情, 暖和, 激动, 生气
词根词缀记忆法:warmth n 温暖(warm温暖的),-th表名词,通常指抽象名词
1. high [ hai ] adj. 高的 The hill is 200 meters high.那座山有200米高。
2. height [ hait ] n. 高度, 海拔 Do you know the height of the tallest man in the world?你知道世界上最高的人身高是多少吗?
3. heighten [ 5haitn] v . 提高, 升高 Many short people wanted to heighten themselves, which was made use of by some merchants.许多矮个子想长高些,这种想法被一些商人利用了。
4. wide [ waid ] adj. 宽的, 广阔的 I opened my eyes wide, but still could see nothing.我大睁双眼,但什么都看不到。
5. width [ widW ] n. 宽度, 宽广 The width of the river is 55 meters.这条河宽55米。
6. widen [ 5waidn ] n. 加宽 Reading can widen our knowledge effectively.阅读能有效地拓宽我们的知识。
7. warm [ wC:m ] adj. 暖和的 v. 使暖和 Mother’s warm hand warmed my heart.母亲暖和的手温暖了我的心。
8. warmth [wC:mW] n. 温暖 The warmth of your hand has turned the snowflower into water.你手上的温度把雪花变成了水。
9. young [ jQN ] adj. 年轻的 How good it is to be young!年轻真好!
10. youth [ ju:W ] n. 青春, 青年们 Youth goes quickly while you play. 玩耍的时候青春很快就过去了。
11. youthen [ 5ju: WEn ] v.(使)变得年轻 The light-coloured dress youthens our teacher. 浅色衣服使我们的老师年轻了许多。
12. deep [ di:p ] adj. 深 The lake is too deep to see the bottom though the water is very clear.湖水虽然清澈,却深不见底。
13. depth [ depW ] n. 深度 The submarine stayed at the depth of 200 metres in the sea.潜水艇停在海里200米的深处。
14. deepen [ 5di:pEn ] v. 加深, 深化 The reform will deepen and the society will still be better. 改革会深入,社会将更好。
15. long [ lCN ] adj. 长的 vi.渴望, 热望 adv. 长期地 I have been longing to see the Great Wall for a long time. 好长时间我一直都渴望见到长城。 long to do sth 渴望做 long for sth 渴望得到
16. length [ l eNW ] n. 长度 The length will increase when the rail is heated.加热时铁轨的长度就会增加。
17. lengthen [ 5leNWEn ] v. 加长 The bank will be lengthened soon.不久这河岸就会被加长。 格言:To save time is to lengthen life.节省时间就是延长生命。
18. strong [ strCN ] adj. 强, 强壮的 So long and keep strong!再见!保重!
19. strength [ streNW ] n. 力量 I have no strength to support your body now. Get down quickly, please.我没有气力支撑你的身体了,请快下来。
20. strengthen [ 5streNWEn ] v. 加强 The national defense should be strengthened.我们应该加强国防力量。
We can measure the height of a high building, the depth of a deep well, the length of a long river, the width of a wide street, the strength of a strong man, yet can we measure the warmth of a warm heart and the youth of a young heart?

I felt the warmth of the candle.

Do you feel the warmth of the sun?


※Our affections are our life. -- We live by them; they supply our warmth. 我们的感情,是我们的生命,我们靠它生存,我们的温暖是它供应。
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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:45



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