三年级下册 Unit4

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prep. 在...期间, 在...之内, 处于...之中, 从事于, 按照, 穿着ad. 进入, 朝里, 在里面, 在屋里a. 在里面的, 在朝的n. 执政者, 交情【医】 铟(第49号元素)相关词组: be in for be in for it be in on be in on it be in with sb in and out in and out of in statu quo in toto in situ in so far as break sth in two
  • there being的用法

    用法一、there being相当于一个独立主格结构,可在句子中用做状语,表示原因等。如:
    (1) There being too many new words, I find the text difficult. 由于生词太多,我认为课文很难。
    (2) There being a lot of work to be done, I don't know what to do. 由于很多事情要做,我不知道该如何是好。

    用法二、相当于一个带有逻辑主语的动词-ing形式。在句子中可做介词(除介词for外) 的宾语。如:
    (1) The crops grow well because of there being enough rain this year. 由于今年雨水充足,庄稼长得很好。
    (2) Judging from there being no much furniture in the house, we know that they are very poor. 从他家没有什么家具来看,我们知道他们很穷。

I hear he'sllbe back n a month.我听说一个月后他将回来。
She began to cry again after a few minutes.几分钟以后她又开始哭起来。
He fell ill on Monday and died three days later.他星期一得病,三天之后就死了。
<辨析>三者都含有“在......之后”的意思,但它们在用法上有区别。in 是介词,用来表示从现在算起的“过一段时间以后”,常用在将来时态的肯定句里,一般同 go,come,start,arrive,return(be back),finish 等表示瞬间动作的终止性动词连用。如:
They will arrive in half an hour.半小时后他们将到达。
after 是介词,用来表示在某一具体时间(某日,某时)或某一具体事件以后,谓语动词可用过去时,也可用将来时。如:
We will get there after two o'clock.两点钟以后我们将到达那里。
Just after seven it began to rain.刚过七点天就下起雨来了。
after 还可表示从过去某时起若干时间之后,谓语动词用过去时,不可用将来时。如:
He started after three days.他在三天后出发了。
after 也可用作副词不达意,上句可改为:He started three days after.
later 是副词,不可用于从讲话时刻算起的若干时间之后,要根据上下文推算从何时起至何时之后。如:
I shall call on him on May 1st and shall call again about a week later.5月1日我将拜访他,大约一星期之后我再来拜访。(指5月1日起一星期之后)
但从现在起没有说明若干时间之后,则可以用 later。如:
I shall call again later.我以后再来拜访。

The couple walked hand in hand into the church at their wedding.

Dreams are needless for the bastard in a wealthy family.

Let's zoom in to have a closer look.

You will learn about different elements in chemistry.

He has trouble in his eyesight.


※It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that deeps freedom alive. In a free country there will always be coflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength.——Thomas Jefferson. American president  使自由保持活力是冲突而不是绝对的一致。在一个自由的国家里总会有各种相冲突的思想,而这正是力量的源泉。美国总统杰斐逊 .T.  
※Economy is in itself a source of great revenue.——Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Ancient Roman Philosopher  节约本身就是最大的收入 .罗马哲学家 西尼加,L.A.  
※There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the pen; and in the end the former is always conquered by the latter. 世界上只有两种力量∶刀和笔;而其结果,后者总是战胜前者。
※The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. ( Bernard Shaw )——    明白事理的人使自己适应世界;不明事理的人想使世界适应自己。(萧伯钠)
  • 支持(145) 反对(0)

    发布人:bnm147258  发布时间:发布时间:2011-06-03 10:55:24

    联想方式:i 蜡烛 n 玻璃房记忆方法:把蜡烛放在玻璃房里

    支持(48) 反对(0)

    发布人:19960423  发布时间:发布时间:2011-07-21 13:53:42

    联想方式:i我 n你记忆方法:我i和你n都被困在了这里



栏    目:三年级下册 Unit4







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