七年级上册 Unit1

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card 音标:[kɑ:d]

n. 卡片, 纸牌, 节目单, 明信片, 梳棉机vt. 备置卡片, 记于卡片上, 梳理【计】 卡片, 卡【化】 计算机辅助研究开发【经】 片, 业务广告, 卡片相关词组: play one's best card play one's trump card speak by the card have a card up one's sleeve
1. game [ ^eim ] n. 比赛, 游戏, 竞赛, [复]运动会 Proper games can make our class more lively and interesting.适当的游戏可以使我们的课堂生动有趣。 格言: Lookers-on see most of the game. 旁观者清。
2. match [ mAtF ] n. 火柴, 匹配, (足球, 捧球, 蓝球)比赛 v.相配 Do you think this hat matches my blue coat?你觉得这顶帽子与我的蓝色外套相配吗?
3. tournament [ 5tuEnEmEnt ] tour-na-ment 音似“拖拉”,许多比赛常拖拉 n. 比赛, 锦标赛, 联赛 Chinese women football won the champion of the tournament.中国女排获得了锦标赛的冠军。
4. race [ reis ] n. 种族, 赛跑 vi. 赛跑, 疾走 The car was racing towards the hospital.车子朝医院疾驰而去。
5. sport [ spC:t ] n. 运动 It’s strange that many people enjoy watching sports but they themselves never take part in sports.真奇怪,许多人喜欢看体育运动而自己却不参与体育运动。
6. sportsman [ 5spC:tsmEn ] n. 运动员 Yaoming was named the ten top sportsman in China.姚明被命名为中国十佳运动员。
7. athlete [ 5AWli:t] ath-lete ath联想Athens雅典,奥运会发源地;lete,音“里的” athlete, 雅典里的,当然是运动员。 n. 运动员, 运动选手 Lining is no longer an athlete. He runs a successful firm.李宁不再是个运动员了。但经营着一家很成功的公司。
8. athletic [ AW5letik ] adj. 运动的 We can enjoy the athletic beauty.我们能欣赏到运动美。
9. gym [ dVim ] n. 体操 Lining was ever No. 1 in gym in the world.李宁曾在世界体操方面排名第一。
10. wrestle [ 5resl ] n. 摔跤, 扭斗 The people in Mongolia are fond of wrestling. 蒙古人喜欢摔跤。
11. gymnastic [ dVim5nAstik ] adj. 体操的, 体育的 They are planning more gymnastic activities for the middle school students.他们在计划着为中学生开展更多的体操运动。
12. gymnasium [ dVim5neiziEm, ^im5nB:ziEm ] n. 健身房, 体育馆 More gymnasiums will be built for the coming Games.更多的体育馆将因即将来临的运动会而修建。
13. stadium [ 5steidiEm ] n. 露天大型运动场 The opening ceremony will be held in the stadium.开幕式将在露天大型运动场举行。
14. Olympics [ Eu5limpiks ] 音“奥林匹克” n. 奥林匹克 Is there anyone who hasn’t heard of the Olympics?还会有人没听说过奥运会吗?
15. card games n. 纸牌 As children, we used to play card games a lot.我们小的时候常玩牌。
16. came [ keim ] come的过去式 Out of the corner came a shy boy.一个害羞的男孩从角落里出来了。
17. same [ seim ] adj. 相同的,一样的 I have the same idea as yours.我与你观点相同。
18. fame [ feim ] n. 名声,名气 How could you win a fame in such a way?你怎能用这样的方法获取名声?
We have the same interest in sports: playing games, joining basketball matches, and taking part in 1500-meter race, doing gymnastics. Some of us hope to become athletes to take part in the Olympic Games. As you know, the Olympics offer a great opportunity for any sportsman to win fames all over the world.

It's better to use a credit card than to carry cash.

I put his birthday card in an envelope.

He took out his identity card to show who he was.

Just insert your credit card into the ATM and you will receive your money shortly.

I just want to talk to him. Here's my card.


※A clear conscience is a sure card. 光明磊落,胜券在握。
※How much more profitable for the independent mind, after the mere rudiments of education , to range through a  library at random, taking down books as the mother wit suggests!John Henry, British Cardinal Newman——受到初步的基础教育之后,对于愿意独立思考的人来说,在图书馆里信手取下一本书来,根据个人的天赋随意涉猎,这该是多大的好处啊!英国纽曼红衣主教  享利  J
※He has not lost all who has one card left. 手里还有一张牌就没有输尽.
※Force , and fraud , are in war the two cardinal virtues.——Thomas Hobbes, British philosopher 实力与计谋是战争的基本力量。英国哲学家 霍布斯.T.
  • 支持(38) 反对(0)

    发布人:1455850781  发布时间:发布时间:2012-05-19 14:18:20

    联想方式:ca擦 r热 d 的记忆方法:擦热的卡片

    支持(30) 反对(0)

    发布人:19960423  发布时间:发布时间:2011-07-06 22:13:17

    联想方式:car车子 的d记忆方法:车子car的d卡片给你

    支持(34) 反对(0)

    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:41



栏    目:七年级上册 Unit1







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