八年级上册 Unit12

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jazz 音标:[dʒæz]

n. 爵士乐, 喧闹a. 爵士乐的, 喧吵的vi. 演奏爵士乐, 跳爵士舞, 游荡vt. 奏爵士乐, 使活泼相关词组: and all that jazz jazz sth up
谐音:爵士 爵士乐源于美国。
1. Muse [ mju:z ] n. [希神] 缪斯女神(掌管音乐艺术) All the artists dream of the Muse’s love.所有的艺术家都希望能得到缪斯的青睐。
2. music [ 5mju:zik ] n. 音乐, 乐曲 Classic music helps us more than pop music.古典音乐对我们的帮助比流行音乐大。
3. musical [ 5mju:zikEl ] adj. 音乐的, 悦耳的 n. 音乐喜剧 Her voice is quite musical. 她的嗓音富有音乐感。
4. musician [ mju:5ziFEn ] n. 音乐家 Mozart was one of the greatest musicians in the world.莫扎特是世界上最伟大的音乐家之一。
5. museum n. 放艺术品的地方,展览馆 A modern art exhibition is being held in the city museum.市博物馆正在举行一场现代艺术展。
6. amuse [ E5mju:z] vt. 使发笑, 使愉快 I amused myself with a card game.我玩牌自娱。
7. amusement [E5mju:zmEnt] n. 娱乐, 消遣, 娱乐活动 The club offers guests all kinds of amusement.俱乐部向客人提供各种各样的娱乐活动。
8. jazz [ dVAz] 音“爵士”,n. 爵士乐 Jazz originated from America in the 20th century.爵士乐起源于二十世纪的美国。
9. concert [ 7kCnsEt] con-cert n. 音乐会, 一致 Would you like to go to the piano concert with me?你愿与我去听音乐会吗?
10. piano [ pi5nB:] n. 钢琴 Many people want their children to learn the piano.很多人想要他们的孩子学钢琴。
11. pianist [ 5piEnist, 5pjAnist ]  n. 钢琴师 Richard Claidman is the best known pianist to China.理查德•克莱得曼是中国人最熟悉的钢琴师。
12. violin [ 7vaiE5lin]  n. 小提琴 People are fond of the violin.人们喜欢小提琴。
13. violinist  n. 小提琴师 The violinist is a must in a symphony band.交响乐队必须有一个小提琴师。
14. guitar 音“吉他” n. 吉他 My brother plays the guitar quite well.我哥哥吉他弹得相当好。
15. symphony [ 5simfErCl] sym-phon-y sym, 同一;词根phon, 声音;symphony, 声音协调的,交响乐 n. 交响乐, 交响曲 German musician Beethoven was admired for his symphonies.德国音乐家倍多芬因为他的交响曲而受人敬佩。
16. drum [ drQm ] n. 鼓, 鼓声 The ancient Chinese army cheered the soldiers up by drum中国古代军队用鼓来激励士兵斗志。
At the concert some world-famous musicians played jazz music with pianos, violins and guitars. Their wonderful performance moved the audience deeply.
The conductor waked up a passenger by the window, "Sir, your ticket?"
"Ticket? What ticket? I have no ticket."
"No ticket? Where are you planning to go?"
"Then why did you get on the train?"
"When I was passing by the train, you shouted to me, "Please get on the train and sit down." I had to stepped into the carriage."

The song has a syncopated rhythm in the jazz version.


American jazz singer known for her scat singing and her interpretation of ballads.


She is dancing to jazz music.


We went to a jazz concert last night.


※Jazz tickles your muscles, symphonies stretch your soul.PaulWhiteman, American conductor——爵士乐使你的肌肉发痒,交响乐能舒展你的灵魂。美国指挥家 怀特曼


栏    目:八年级上册 Unit12







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