六年级上册 Unit5

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scientist 音标:['saiəntist]

n. 科学家【医】 科学家
  • hope一词不能接宾语再加上宾语补足语,但它可以接不定式作宾语,如:I hope to be a scientist.而wish却可以接宾语加宾语补足语,如:I wish you to be a good student.

    [误] I hope you to be a good student.

    [正] I hope you will be a good student.

    [析] hope一词不能接宾语再加上宾语补足语,但它可以接不定式作宾语,如:I hope to be a scientist.而wish却可以接宾语加宾语补足语,如:I wish you to be a good student.
1. science [ 5saiEns] 词根scien, 知道;science, 知道的事理,科学 The society can’t develop without the improvement of science. 没有科学的进步社会就不能向前发展。
2. scientific [ saiEn5tifik ] adj. 科学的 So far the scientific ideas have rooted in the local people’s minds. 到目前为此科学观念已经植根于当地人的思想之中。
3. scientifically adv. 科学地 The problem was solved scientifically. 问题得到了科学的解决。
4. scientist [ 5saiEntist ] n. 科学家 There is no university without a scientist. 没有科学家就不能成为一所大学。
5. conscience [ 5kCnFEns ] n. 良心, 道德心 I have nothing to say. Conscience speaks for itself.我无话可说。良心是不用别人说好话的。 格言: Clean conscience laughs at false accusation.心底无私天地宽。
6. conscientious [ 7kCnFi5enFEs] adj. 尽责的 Any conscientious worker is welcome into our company. 我们公司欢迎任何一个尽责的工作人员。
7. conscious [ 5kCnFEs] adj. 有意识的, 有知觉的, 故意的 We are conscious of the importance of the environment. 我们意识到环境的重要性。
8. unconscious [ Qn5kCnFEs ] adj. 不省人事, 未发觉的, 无意识的 The boy fell off the tree unconscious. 男孩从树上摔下来不省人事。
9. sense [ sens ] n. 官能, 感觉, 判断力 I believe Mr. Li is a man of sense of duty. 我相信李先生是个有责任感的人。
10. sensitive [ 5sensitiv] adj. 敏感的, 灵敏的, 感光的 He is often sensitive to others’ response. 他对外界的反映很敏感。
11. consensus [ kEn5sensEs ] An opinion or position reached by a group as a whole or by majority will n. 一致同意, 多数人的意见, 舆论 The voters' consensus was that the measure should be adopted 投票人一致认为那条措施应该被采纳。
12. commonsense [ 9kCmEn`sens ] n. 常识 How could he be short of such a commonsense?他怎么可能缺少这样的赏识呢?
13. nonsense [ 5nCnsEns ] n. 胡说 That’s nonsense.胡说。
14. allergic [ E5lE:dVik] all-erg-ic 趣味联想:所有的二姐都过敏。adj. 过敏的, 患过敏症的 I am allergic to injection. 我对注射过敏。
15. numb [ nQm] adj. 麻木的 I found my toes numb with cold. 我发觉我的脚趾冻麻了。
The man with a sense of duty is sensitive to any comments on his work. A scientist is a sensible man who may make scientific experiments about commonsense, sometimes even nonsense in people’s eyes. He based his judgment on science, not sense.

The scientist checks a test tube to see how his experiment turned out.

The scientist was busy doing research.

Who is the scientist firstly find radium?


The scientist is studying how elephants interact with each other.


Einstein was a prominent scientist.


※Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police.——Albert Einstein, American scientist 人类一切和平合作的基础首先是相互信任, 其次才是法庭和警察一类的机构。美国科学家 爱因斯坦.A.


栏    目:六年级上册 Unit5







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