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available 音标:[ə'veiləbl]

a. 可利用的, 可获得的, 有效的【医】 有效的, 可得的【经】 有效的, 可采用的相关词组: be available to... be available for... to employ all available means
谐音:二位老板 二位老板有空的时候可接受探访。
谐音:二位老板 二位老板需要可用的人才。
词根词缀记忆法:available a 有用的;有效的(avail+able),uail,ual = strong,表示“强壮”
available (考频:16)
a.①可利用的,可得到的:It’s unreasonable to make personal information available to the whole world and not expect employers to look at it. (Businessweek) 将个人信息公布于世而不想让招募者发现的做法并不合常情。
△available在中文里的表达并不一定对等成“可得到的”,而表示“able to be obtained, used, seen”等。
②有空的:The professor is available now.教授现在有空。

记忆:词根tain == hold
1. obtain [ Eb5tein ] To succeed in gaining possession of as the result of planning or endeavor ob-tain vt. 获得, 得到 What do I expect to obtain from you? Nothing! 我期待着从你那儿得到什么呢?什么也不期待!
2. attain [ E5tein] To gain as an objective; achieve; To arrive at, as by virtue of persistence at-tain vt. 达到, 获得 n. 达到 Leo Iacocca attained the position of President of the Ford Motors. 艾柯卡获得了福特汽车公司总裁的职位。
3. avail [E5veil] v. 有益于, 有利于 Finally we availed ourselves of a chance of further study in a university. 最后我们得到了在大学进修的机会。
4. available [ E5veilEbl] adj. 可用到的, 可利用的, 有空的 How can we get in touch with him? No phone is available here. 我们怎样才能和他取得联系呢?这儿没有电话可用啊。
5. entertain [ 7entE5tein ] enter-tain vt. 娱乐, 招待 These programs are to entertain the noble guests from France. 这些节日将用来招待法国来的贵客。
6. certain [ 5sE:tEn ] cer-tain adj. 确定的, 某一个 A certain Mr. Yan is asking for you at the school gate. 一个姓严的先生在校门口找你。
7. detain [ di5tein] de-tain v. 拘留, 留住, 阻止 When crossing the border, he was detained by the police. 越境时他被警察拘留了。
8. captain [ 5kAptin ] cap-tain n. 队长, (空军, 海军)上校, (陆军)上尉 n. 指挥, 统帅 The captain received the cup on behalf of the team. 除非代表球队领了奖。
He tried to obtain a ticket of the film that was hardly available at that time. Finally he attained the chance to entertain himself. In the film a captain was detained for a certain reason.

Full use should be made of any exposures available on site.


At launch, the Golf Wagon will be available with three engines.


Is there any seat available for train to Moscow today?


Units are able to balance their commitments with available resources.




栏    目:专业八级必备词汇







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