高中必修二 Unit2

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deserve 音标:[dɪ'zɜːv]

vt. 该得到, 值得vi. 应得报答相关词组: deserve of... deserve to be mentioned

词根词缀记忆法:deserve v 应受,值得(de加强+serve→加强服务→值得[重视]),Serv=serve, keep ,表示“服务,保持”
deserve (考频:6)
【记】词根记忆:[de-(加强意义)+serve;serve right]
v.应受,值得:Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things cannot be put off till “some other time”. 生活中没有什么比你的家人更重要了。抽出家人应得的时间陪陪他们吧,这些是不能被推迟到“改天”的事情。

The naughty boy deserved
to be punished.

  • 在deserve, bear, stand等动词后要用主动表被动

    在deserve, bear, stand等动词后要用主动表被动

    deserve的意思与be worth有些相似,均表示“值得”,它的后面本来是要用不定式的。如:
    She deserved to win because she was the best. 她有资格获胜,因为她是最优秀的。
    I don’t think his article deserves reading.
    =I don’t think his article deserves to be read.

    当 bear 表示“适合”时,若后接动名词,通常用主动形式表示被动意义。如:
    The joke doesn't bear repeating (= because it is not f查看详情更多>>
1. serve [ sE:v] v. 服务, 服役, 供职, 招待, 供应 It serves him well. 他罪有应得。 serve sb 为……服务 sth be served 供应某物 serve sb as 作为……为某人服务
2. servant [ 5sE:vEnt ] n. 仆人, 服务员 Remember, the officials here are called civil servants. 记住,这里的官员叫做公务员。
3. service [ 5sE:vis ] n. 服务 So the government must offer considerate service to the civilians.因此政府必须向公民提供大量的服务。 at one's service 乐意帮助, 听. 使唤
4. self-service [ 5self5sE:vis] n. 自助式销售 We may go to a self-service restaurant.我们可以去一家自助餐馆。
5. conserve [ kEn5sE:v ] vt. 保存, 保藏 Measures will be taken to conserve these national treasure. 我们必须采取措施来保存这些自然珍宝。
6. conservation [ 7kCnsE(:)5veiFEn ] n. 保存, 保藏 The conservation has been carried out effectively. 保护工作已经有效地展开了。
7. conservative [ kEn5sE:vEtiv] adj. 保守的, 守旧的 n. 保守派 The conservative strongly opposed the reform plan. 保守人士强烈地反对这份改革计划。
8. reserve [ ri5zE:v ] vt. 储备, 保存, 保留, 预定 I’d like to have two single rooms reserved from Friday to Sunday. 我想要预定周五到周日的两个单人间。
9. reservation [ 7rezE5veiFEn ] n. 储备, 保存, 保留, 预定 Yes, I am the one who made the reservation. 是的,我就是那个要求预定的人。
10. reservoir [ 5rezEvwB: ] n. 贮水池,贮藏处,贮备 With the dam completed, a vast reservoir came into being. 大坝完工后,一个大型的水库就形成了
11.deserve [ di5zE:v ] vt. 应受, 值得 n. 应受 Those who destroyed the figures deserved severe punishment.毁坏塑像的那些人应当受到严厉的惩罚。 格言:A good dog deserves a good bone. 好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。
12. preserve [ pri5zE:v ] To maintain in safety from injury, peril, or harm; protect. vt. 保护, 保存, 保藏 She tried to preserve the family harmony. 她设法维护家庭的和睦气氛。
The government, conservative or radical, should pay much attention to the conservation of the environment and serve the people heart and soul. The officials are servants of the people who are reasonable to expect good service from the government.

The fried-chicken restaurant where I was working had a big rush just before closing one day, leaving us with nothing to sell but wings. As I was about to lock the doors, aa quietly intoxicated customer came in and ordered dinner. When I asked if wings would be all right, he leaned over the counter and replied, "Lady, I came in here to eat, not fly."

N-COUNT. 灰姑娘;被忽视的人(或组织). If you describe a person or organization as a Cinderella, you mean that they receive very little attention and that they deserve to receive more.

I suppose I deserve that you should reprove my shortcomings.


None but the brave deserve the fair.


VERB. 分摊;分派. When you apportion something such as blame, you decide how much of it different people deserve or should be given.

He deserves a reward for his efforts.


※Those who work deserve to eat; those who do not work deserve to starve. 劳动者该得食,不劳者该挨饿。
※First deserve and then desire. 先做到受之无愧,而后再邀功请赏。
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    发布人:z20110806  发布时间:发布时间:2012-08-25 09:00:28

    联想方式:de 得 serve服务记忆方法:得(de)服务(serve)好一点才能得到应有的报酬



栏    目:高中必修二 Unit2







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