七年级上册 Unit6

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run 音标:[rʌn]

n. 跑, 赛跑, 奔跑, 奔跑的路程, 趋向, 流出, 运转时间, 连续vi. 跑, 奔跑, 跑步, 赛跑, 竞赛, 行驶, 运转, 进行, 蔓延vt. 使跑, 参赛, 追究, 驾驶, 开动, 管理, 经营, 使流出, 运行a. 熔化的, 融化的, 浇铸的run的过去式和过去分词【计】 运行相关词组: run rampant run the streets run sb into difficulties run the risk of be out of the common run in the long run in the short run keep the run of on the run run across run after run against run along run at run away with for many years run run around run back over run counter to run down run for run into debt run off run on run oneself out run out run out of sth run over run through sth run sth through sth run to run to fat run to waste run sth up run up against run upon run up to run low run short run into the ground

  • 系动词run的用法


    ■run cold
    My blood ran cold. 我的血都凉了。
    The sight of the dead body made his blood run cold. 他看见尸体不禁毛骨悚然。
    The water ran cold when I turned the tap on. 我把水龙头打开,水就凉了。
    ■run dry
    The well ran dry. 这口井干枯了。
    The little pond ran dry. 那座小池塘干涸了。
    The River Wey ran dry during the recent drought. 近来天气干旱,韦河干涸了。
    ■run high
    Feelings against him ran high反对他的情绪高涨。
    Feeling over the dismissal ran high. 对解雇事件群情鼎沸。
    Passions ran high as the electio查看详情更多>>
run/ jog/ race/ trot

run 最普通用词,指由于各种原因而急速奔跑。
jog 指从容不迫地慢跑。
race 多用于赛跑,指以最快速度奔跑。
trot 强调小跑时上下弹跳的动作,是介于跑与走之间轻快的快速运动。

I can run through brick walls - what can YOU do?

Could he run fast enough to get home before the storm?

I run two miles to work every day, then shower and change my clothes.

Trains run on steel rails.

Run quickly, do!


※We can not tell the precise moment when friendship is founded, As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over ; so in a serics of kindness there is at last one which makes the heart run over.——James Boswell, British writer 我们无法讲出友谊缔造的确切时刻,就像一点一滴地倾注一个容器一样,终有一滴使容器满溢;因此,面对接二连三的好意,终有那么一次会动人心弦,情谊洋溢。英国作家 博斯韦尔,J.
※All rivers run into the sea. 百川入海。
※Do not run too fast after gain. 不要见利就拼命追。
※If you run after two heares, you will catch neither. 两头落空。


栏    目:七年级上册 Unit6







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