高中选修八 Unit5

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regardless 音标:[ri'ɡɑ:dləs ]

a. 不管, 不注意, 不顾相关词组: regardless of
regardless (考频:3)
【记】英汉比较:[汉] “顾”=“看”
[英] regardless=regard (顾)+-less(不)
ad.不顾后果地,不管怎样,无论如何:The old man went on fishing regardless.那位老人不顾一切地继续垂钓。
【考】regardless of不顾,不管
danger, he climbed the tower.他不顾危险爬上了高塔。
Regardless of
【辨】in spite of,regardless of
in spite of = despite尽管
regardless of = without considering or taking notice of不管,不顾
(a) The plane took off in spite of the bad weather.(=although the weather was bad)
(b) The plane will take off,regardless of the weather.(=no matter whether the weather is good or bad)

1. mirror [ 5mirE ] ror, 对称,像镜子,n. 镜子, 典范 vt. 反映, 映出 Almost every girl will look at herself in the mirror before she goes out every morning.几乎每个女孩在早晨出去之前都要照镜子。
2. table [ 5teibl ] n. 桌子 Can you do my a favor to lay the table?你能否帮我安一下桌子?
3. makeup [ 5meikQp ] n. 化装 No makeup can make up for the ignorance. 任何化装也弥补不了无知。
4. regard [ ri5^B:d ] n. 打量,看待 He stayed still, regarding me from toe to head.他呆着没动,从头到脚地打量我。
5. regardless [ ri5^B:dlis ] adj. 不管, 不顾, 不注意 I will fight on regardless of the great difficulty ahead. 不管前面有怎样的困难,我都要战斗下去。
6. regarding [ ri5^B:diN ] prep. 关于 I have no doubt regarding the future of the reform.我对改革的前途毫不怀疑。
7. consider [ kEn5sidE ] n. 考虑 They were considered to be the first settlers in Australia. 他们被认为是澳大利亚的第一批殖民者。
8. look on … as 把……看作 Why not look on the college entrance examination as a usual test to relieve yourself?为什么不轻松一点,把高考看作是一次平常的检测呢?
Many people consider appearance important. After they get up, they sit by the table and add make-up to their faces in front of a mirror. Nowadays, well-dressed people receive more regards as the whole society looks on fine appearance as signs of success, regardless of their contents.

Bob was having trouble getting to sleep at night. He went to see his doctor, who prescribed some extra-strong sleeping pills.
Sunday night Bob took the pills, slept well and was awake before he heard the alarm. He took his time getting to the office, strolled in and said to his boss: "I didn't have a bit of trouble getting up this morning."
"That's fine," roared the boss, "but where were you Monday and Tuesday?"

1. mistake mistaken error wrong incorrect false fault misunderstand misread

The couple kissed regardless of the fact that the kid was watching.

He made after the enemy officer regardless of the danger to himself.


I stand for freedom of speech for everyone regardless of color, race or creed.


Fools pursue pleasure regardless of the cost.




栏    目:高中选修八 Unit5







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