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policy 音标:['pɔləsi]

n. 政策, 方针, 策略, 保险单【医】 凭单, 保险单【经】 政策, 保险单
词根词缀记忆法:policy n 政策(对国家的管理),polic,polis, polit=state, city,表示“国家,城市”
1. police [ pE5li:s] n. 警察 The police are authorized to use force when necessary.警察得到授权在必要时使用武力。注意:police是复数名词。
2. policeman [pE5li:smEn] n. 警察 When in trouble, please turn to a policeman.有困难找警察。
3. cop [ kCp] n. 警察(口语) A cop will stop you if you drive through a red light.如果你开车闯红灯,警察会来抓你。
4. policy [ 5pClisi ] n. 政策, 方针 Only good policy can ensure the farmers are willing to do the farming. 只有好的政策才能保证农民愿意种地。
5. politics [ 5pClitiks ] n. 政治, 政治学 It’s every person’s duty to join in politics.每个人都有责任参与政治。
6. political [ pE5litikEl ] adj. 政治的, 行政上的 Because of political reasons, Karl Marx had to move again to London.因为政治原因,卡尔•马克思不得不又搬家到了伦敦。
7. statesman [ 5steitsmEn] n. 政治家 It’s not easy to become a statesman. If you have no gift for acting, you’d better keep off.要成为政治家可不容易。如果你没有表演的天赋,最好别这样想。
8. left-wing [`leftwIN] 左翼 The left-wing party often cares more about the working people.左翼政党通常对劳动者考虑多一些。
9. right-wing [`raItwIN] 右翼 The right-wing parties are often not so friendly to their neighbours.右翼政党对邻居常常没有那么友好。
10. party [ 5pB:ti ] n. 党, 政党 A party of people will climb the mount.有一群人要爬山。
11. polite [ pE5lait] adj. 有礼貌的 It’s polite of him to greet us.他问候我们,很有礼貌。
12. impolite [ impE5lait ] adj. 没有礼貌的 No impolite kid can go with us.没有礼貌的孩子不能跟我们去。
You’d better not call them cops! We should be polite to the police who keep everything in order. The policeman carries out the policy. But they are not always connected with politics.

China has adopted one-child policy for a few decades.

Great changes have taken place in China since the introduction of the reform and opening policy .

Public policy is the heart of modern-day government.


To help voters make up their minds, this issue contains a 20-page briefing on personality, policy and psephology.


One of the new government's policies is to cut taxes.


※It was the policy of the good old gentlemen to make his chileren feel that home was the happiest place in the world; and I value this delicious home---feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow.——Irvng Washington, Father of literature of the United States. 让孩子感到家庭是世界上最幸福的地方,这是以往有涵养的大人明智的做法。这种美妙的家庭情感,在我看来,和大人赠给孩子们的那些最精致的礼物一样珍贵。美国文学之父 华盛顿. I.
※Your honesty is not to be based either on religion of policy ,.Both your religion and policy must be based on it.——John Ruskin , UK art critic  诚实不应当建立在宗教或政策的基础上。相反,宗教和政策都必须以诚实为基础。英国艺术评论 罗斯金.J.
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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-09-15 20:44:57

    联想方式:poli 破例。 cy 采用记忆方法:破例采用这个政策



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