八年级下册 Unit3

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take off什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、释义

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take off 音标:[teik ɔf]

拿掉, 取消, 脱下, 领走, 减去, 复制, 起飞, 离开, 岔开【经】 取消
  • 与put连用的介词很多,一般来讲on与off是一对相反的意 义的介词,如: turn on (打开),turn off(关上),穿衣服是put on,但脱衣服却只能用take off,而put o ff是推迟、使某人下车、关掉之意,如: They put off the exam because t he national holiday. (因国家假日而推迟考期。)Could you put me off at the Town Ha ll. (请在市政厅让我下车。)Please put off the wireless before you leave. (走之前 请关掉无线电。)

    [误] She put off her red dress and put on the green one.

    [正] She took off her red dress and put on the green on e.

    [析] 与put连用的介词很多,一般来讲on与off是一对相反的意 义的介词,如: turn on (打开),turn off(关上),穿衣服是put on,但脱衣服却只能用take off,而put o ff是推迟、使某人下车、关掉之意,如: They put off the exam because t he national holiday. (因国家假日而推迟考期。)Could you put me off at the Town Ha ll. (请在市政厅让我下车。)Please put off the wireless before you leave. (走之前 请关掉无线电。)
VERB. 解开;松开. If you unbind something or someone, you take off a piece of cloth, string, or rope that has been tied round them.

In 1944, he met Edith Piaf, and his career took off.


※Before gold, even kings take off their hats. 有钱能使鬼推磨。


栏    目:八年级下册 Unit3


本文标题:take off什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义





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