高中选修八 Unit4

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compromise 音标:['kɔmprəmaiz]

n. 妥协, 折中, 折中方案, 和解vi. 妥协处理vt. 危害【经】 妥协, 和解, 折衷办法相关词组: compromise with sb on sth
compromise (考频:6)
n./v.妥协,折中:They found it wiser to compromise with her.他们觉得跟她妥协更明智。
vt.使陷入危险:He has compromised himself by accepting money from them.他因收了他们的钱而铸成大错害了自己。

1. promise [ 5prCmis ] vt. 允诺, 答应 n. 允诺, 答应, 许诺 He never breaks his promise as he never makes one.他从来没有违背诺言,因为他从来没有许过诺言。 promise A to do sth. (主语做事)
2. promising [ 5prCmisiN] adj. 有希望的, 有前途的 I believe the boy has a promising future. 我相信这男孩前程似锦。
3. compromise [ 5kCmprEmaiz ] n. & v. 妥协, 折衷 Why not make a compromise since he is not an enemy?他不是敌人,干吗不作一点妥协呢?
4. allow [ E5lau ] vt. 允许, 承认 allow A to do sth. (A, 即由宾语做事)We allow no smoking in the office.在办公室里我们不许有人吸烟。 allow sb to do sth, be allowed to do sth, allow doing sth,
5. allowance [ E5lauEns] n. 津贴, 补助 Working in our office you can get a good allowance. 在我们办公室工作你可以得到一份丰厚的津贴。
6. permit [ pE(:)5mit ] n. 通行证, 许可证, 执照 v. 许可, 允许, 准许 Everything is allowed but nothing is permitted in his class.在他的班上他什么事都不会明确同意,但什么事他都不明确反对。 permit A to do sth. (A, 即由宾语做事)
7. let [ let ] vt. 允许 Let it be.由它吧。 let A do sth. (A, 即由宾语做事)
8. agree [ E5^ri: ] vi. 同意, 赞成. . . 的意见, 与. . . 一致 He agreed to hold a dinner party to celebrate the success.他同意举行一次宴会来庆祝这次成功。 注意:agree 后面不接宾语+不定式宾补结构。
9. forbid [ fE5bid] To command against the doing or use of (something) vt. 禁止, 不许 forbid sth. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事。 Children are forbidden to go swimming alone in the river. 孩子们不许一个人去河里游泳。
10. prohibit [ prE5hibit ] pro-hi-bit 在他做一点点事之前,阻止 To forbid by authority: vt. 禁止, 阻止 Smoking is prohibited in most theaters. 多数剧场都禁止吸烟。
11. refuse [ ri5fju:z ] vt. 拒绝, 谢绝 n. 废物, 垃圾 Some people refused to put their refuse into the dustbin.一些人拒绝把垃圾放出垃圾箱里。 refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事。
The teacher promises to try his best to help promising student. He permits them to develop by themselves, but forbids anyone to develop harmful habits and ideas. He doesn’t think it right that everything isn’t permitted while everything is allowed.

The seller made a compromise and sold the dress at 50 yuan.

At long last a compromise was agreed on.


He refused to compromise his principles.


※Swearing was invented as a compromise between running away and fighting.——Finley Deter Dunne.American journalist and humorist 发明诅咒是把它作为逃跑和打架之间的一种折衷。美国记者、幽默作家 邓恩 .F. D.
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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:44



栏    目:高中选修八 Unit4







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