高中必修三 Unit3

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ahead 音标:[əˈhed]

a. 领先的, 预先的, 向前的ad. 领先, 预先, 向前, 胜于, 在前面, 在将来相关词组: ahead of... to go ahead
联想方式:a 一;head 头
词根词缀记忆法:ahead 在前地(a+head头),“a-”加在单词前,表示"在…,…的"
1. all 全都(三者以上)His classmates are all fond of him. 他的同学们都喜欢他。
2. both 全都(两者) His parents are both teachers. 他父母都是老师。
3. almost, most, 多数,almost, 多数都,几乎;Almost everyone was tired at that time. 那时几乎每个人都累了。
4. alone one, 一;alone全一个人,独自,单独 You can’t leave the baby alone at home. 你不能把小家伙单独留在家里。
5. lonely, one, 一;l,联想一个人形单影只的样子,-ly, 形容词后缀;lonely 形单影只的一个人,孤独的,寂寞的,偏僻的 He felt lonely in the lonely village. 在那个偏僻的山村他倍感孤独。
6. long, 长长的;along就跟着长长的边线走,沿着 Walk along the road and you will find the hospital. 沿路向前,你会找到医院的。
7. ready, 准备好的;already, 全准备好了,已经(多用于肯定句)He has already gone home. 他已经回家了。
8. so, 这样的;also,全是这样的,也(多用于肯定句中)She has also gone home.她也回家了。
9. way, 路,;always, 全部路上,无一例外,总是 He was always ready to help others. 他总是乐于助人。
10. though, 虽然;although conj. 虽然 Although it is raining hard, I will go out soon. 虽然雨正大,我不久还是得出去。
11. 前缀a-可加强语气, 可表示“在”:head, 头;ahead,adv. 在前头 Go ahead. 往前走。请用吧。
12. sleep, 睡觉;asleep adj. 睡觉的 I fell asleep the moment I dropped on the bed. 我一倒在床上就入睡了。
13. wake, 醒;awake adj. 醒的,叫醒 Missing his girl friends, he stayed awake all night. 因想念女友,他彻夜难眠。
14. way, 路;away, 路边的,adv. 离开的 Don’t go away. I will be back soon. 别走开,我马上回来。
15. part, 部分;apart adv. 分离 Can you tell the twins apart? 你能区别这对双胞胎吗?
16. side, 边 aside adv. 一边的 Push it aside if it is in the way. 如果它挡道,就把它推到一边去。
Although both his parents haven’t come yet, and neither have mine, almost all have already been are here. Let’s go ahead with the meeting. No one is can fall asleep or go away alone without permission. Put your own business aside, always keep awake.
in all总共 at all根本 above all最重要 after all毕竟 of all在所有的中 all over结束,到处 all in all总的来说,总计
另类阅读:There are five in all. We don’t have enough hands at all. Of all the teams, ours is the smallest one. But we must fight on, even if we are wet all over. After all, this is an important and precious chance and above all, we are not chickens!

I am running ahead of the rest of the group.

I won the race! I was ahead from the beginning.

I've bought you a can of coke. Go ahead and enjoy it!

The script was delivered to the director ahead of schedule.


I saw a river ahead.


※The overturned cart ahead is a warning to the carts behind. 前车之覆,后车之鉴。
※Reward lies ahead of diligence,but nothing is gained by indolence. 勤有功,嬉无益.
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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:45



栏    目:高中必修三 Unit3







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