高中必修一 Unit1

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ignore 音标:[iɡ'nɔ:(r)]

vt. 不理睬, 忽视, 驳回, 忽略【计】 忽略
记忆方法: 一个没有热门的人的当然是被忽视。
词根词缀记忆法:ignore v 疏忽;不理睬(I不+geore→不知道→不理睬),gnos(t),gnor=know,表示“知道”
ignore (考频:8)
vt.不顾,不理,忽视:People cannot afford to ignore traffic regulations any more.没人会再无视交通规则了。
【辨】ignore,neglect, overlook
(1) ignore 指故意不理睬某人、某物;
(2) neglect 指未给某人或某事应有或足够的重视,可以是故意的,也可以是无意的;
(3) overlook 常指由于匆忙或没注意到而忽视。

ignore v. 不理,不顾,忽略
同义词:neglect v.忽略
1. knee [ ni: ] n. 膝, 膝盖 A man shouldn’t get down on his knees easily.男儿膝下有黄金(男人不能轻易下跪)
2. kneel [ ni:l ] vi. 跪下 Rather than kneel down, we prefer to be killed.我们宁死不屈。
3. lap [ lAp ] n. (坐时的)大腿前部, 膝盖, (跑道的)一圈 My left lap was hurt seriously when I fell down. 我摔跤时左腿伤得很厉害。
4. knife [ naif ] n. 刀 Here is a knife to sharpen your pencil, my dear boy.孩子,这儿有把小刀可以削你的铅笔。
5. knock [ nCk ] v. 敲, 敲打, 敲击, (使)碰撞 You should knock at the door instead of knock the door. 你应该敲门而不是撞门。 knock at the door 敲门 knock in (把钉子)钉入 knock into n.撞上
6. know [ nEu] v. 知道, 了解 How much do you know about him? 你对他了解多少? know sth 知道某事 know sth/ sb well 对……很熟悉 know that know wh- clause know wh- to do 知道怎么做 know of sth/sb 了解 know sb to be be known to sb 某人知道
7. knowledge [ 5nClidV ] n. 知识 (不可数名词)但:a knowledge of 对……的一些了解 Knowledge can change our life.知识改变命运。 格言:A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.浅学误人。
8. acknowledge [ Ek5nClidV ] v. 承认 Facing the witness, he had to acknowledge his crime. 面对证人,他不得不承认他的罪行。
9,acquaintance [ E5kweintEns ] n. 相识, 熟人 Acquaintance can make it easier to stay in another place. 在他乡有熟人办事容易些。
10. ignore [ i^5nC: ] vt. 不理睬, 忽视 Ignoring our shortcomings is not the right attitude.忽视我们的缺点不是正确的态度。
11. ignorant [ 5i^nErEnt ] adj. 无知的 I should say he is ignorant of our cultural tradition. 我要说他对我们的文化传统的无知的。
The poor boy had little knowledge of manners. He didn’t knock at the door before he came in. The man in the room took up a knife and ordered him to get down on his knees. The boy knelt a long time and felt his knees hurting a lot.
A guard was about to signal his train to start when he saw an attractive girl standing on the platform by an open door, talking to another pretty girl inside the carriage.
"Come on, miss!" he shouted. "Shut the door, please!"
"Oh, I just want to kiss my sister goodbye," she called back.
"You just shut that door, please," called the guard, "and I'll see to the rest."

The two sisters ignore the short guy and carry on talking.

Just ignore any niggling worries you have about close partners, since it may all be in your imagination.


In fact, the standard forbids use of an end tag for these special ones, although most browsers are lenient and ignore the errant end tag.


The wisest course would be to ignore it.


※The laws of Nature, that is to say the laws of God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them , since the statutes furnish us peace, fairly good government and  stability, and therefore are better for us than the laws of God, which would soon  plunge us into confusion and disorder and anarchy if we should adopt them.Mark Twain, American  writer自然法即神灵法,只是用来约束每一个个体的法律,我们必须坚定地拒绝遵守。我们应该坚定地遵守忽视神灵法的规章制度,因为规章制度赋予我们和平、比较好的政府和稳定,因而对我们来说,规章制度比神灵法更好,因为如果我们采用神灵法的话,他会将我们陷入迷惑、无序和无政府状态。美国作家   马克·吐温A
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    发布人:jialin  发布时间:发布时间:2011-07-19 14:13:48




栏    目:高中必修一 Unit1







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