四年级上册 Unit4

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bed 音标:[bed]

n. 床, 睡眠处, 河床, 底座, 路基, 一层vt. 提供宿处, 栽种, 安装vi. 睡, 形成坚实的一层【医】 褥, 床相关词组: get out of bed on the wrong side bed down go to bed go to bed in one's boots keep the bed lie on a bed of thorns make the bed put to bed put to bed with a shovel take to one's bed a bed of roses in bed
  • go to bed的bed前绝对不用冠词吗

    go to bed的bed前绝对不用冠词吗
    I often drank milk before bed. 我常在就寝前喝牛奶。
    It is too early for bed. 现在睡觉太早了。
    He hopes to have a large bed. 他希望有一张大床。
    He sat by the bed, watching TV. 他坐在床边看电视。
    另外,与介词in, into, out of等连用时,通常不用冠词。如:
    I like reading in bed. 我喜欢躺在床上看书。
    He got into bed quickly. 他很快上了床。
    I woke up and got out of bed. 我醒了就下了床。
    类似于以上用法的名词还有school, church, class, college查看详情更多>>
1. bad adj. 坏的,糟糕的
2. –ly 副词后缀:badly adv. 糟糕地,非常地 We need your help badly. 我们非常需要你的帮助。
3. pretty adj. 美丽的 adv. 非常地,相当地 The house is pretty beautiful. 这房子很美。
4. bed n. 床 in bed 卧床
5. bedroom n. 放床的房间,卧室
6. dormitory dor-m-it-ory dor, door, 门;m, 梦;it,它;后缀-ory表示地方;dormitory 门内,梦到它的地方,是宿室, n. 宿室 Usually eight students live in a dormitory. 通常一间寝室住八个人。
7. clothes 衣物;bedclothes n. 床上用品,被褥 Prepare some bedclothes in case it is cold at midnight. 准备好一些被子以防半夜天冷。
8. bedding n. 被褥 He runs a shop for bedding. 他经营着一家床上用品商店。
9. bedtime n. 上床时间,就寝时间 It’s bedtime. Let’s turn off the light. 到就寝时间了。我们关灯吧。
10. pillow pill-ow n. 枕头 It’s said that this kind of pillow can help cure some brain disease. 据说这种枕头有助于治疗某种脑病。
At the bedtime, he felt pretty bad. There is no pillow and bedclothes on the bed. How could he get a good sleep which he needed badly?

My bed is so comfortable.

I must go to bed now.


As I had a cold, I was in bed yesterday.


go and lie on the bed and have a rest.


※As you make your bed so you must lie on it. 自食其果。
※Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt. 宁可饿肚子,切莫去借债。
※Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起,令人健康、富有而且聪明。
※Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark. 早睡早起。


栏    目:四年级上册 Unit4







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