高中必修一 Unit5

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devoted 音标:[di'vəutid]

a. 投入的, 深爱的
1. devote [ di5vEut ] vt. 投入于, 献身 devote oneself to doing sth. Dr. Bethune devoted himself to serving Chinese Anti-Japanese War. 白求恩大夫献身于中国的抗日战争。
2. devoted [ di5vEutid ] adj. 投入的, 深爱的 be devoted to doing sth. Just at that moment, his devoted friend came. 就在那时,他的忠实朋友来了。
3. devotion [ di5vEuFEn ] n. 热爱, 投入 She has a deep devotion to her motherland. 她对祖国怀有深切的热爱。
4. vote [vEJt] n. 投票, 选票,表决, 得票数 vi. 投票 Admittedly, there is something abnormal in Taiwan’s voting in March, 2004. 公认地,2004年3月的台湾投票中有些不正常的东西。
5. voter [5vEJtE(r)] n. 投票者,有投票权者 Most voters are not very clear what they votes mean. 多数投票者不清楚他们投票的意义。
6. contribute [ kEn5tribju:t ] n. 捐助, 捐献, 贡献, 投稿 Undeniably, Mao Zedong contributed a great deal to Chinese revolution. 不可否认,毛泽东对中国革命作出了巨大的贡献。
7. contribution [ 7kCntri5bju:FEn ] n. 捐献, 贡献, 投稿 Liping made the greatest contribution to the honor of our class at this sports meeting. 在这次运动会上李平为我班争取了最大的光荣。
8. distribute [ dis5tribju(:)t ] vt. 分发, 分配, 散布 The money will be distributed to the people in the poverty-stricken areas. 这笔钱将分发到贫困地区的人们手中。
9. donate [ dEu5neit] v. 捐赠, 赠予 Mr. Shao Yifu donates millions of dollars to China’s education. 邵逸夫先生为中国的教育事业捐赠了数百万美元。
The girl devoted her book to her devoted mother. Her sincere devotion won her votes from the voters to be the most popular writer.
Young daughter: Daddy, I am making money for you!
Daddy: My good girl, you can when you grow up.
Young daughter: No, I am making money now. Look, Here is money I have made.
Daddy: Well, three cents. Where does it come from?
Young daughter: I earned it by selling the tube of toothpaste.
Daddy: Where is the toothpaste?
Young daughter: I squeezed it into the dustbin.
Daddy: ...

The Red Cross is an institution devoted to the development of human welfare.

Chapters 2-5 are devoted to the basic concepts of Mendelian and population genetics which are of greatest concern in tree improvement.


The mother devoted all her time to the baby.


She devoted her lifetime to the study of zoology.


Mrs. Jones had a very devoted husband.


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    发布人:renzihaowudi  发布时间:发布时间:2011-07-18 21:36:33

    联想方式:devote奉献 d的记忆方法:乐于奉献的人都是忠实的。


上一篇:turn to什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

栏    目:高中必修一 Unit5







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